
I Don't Want to Have a War

Bill McAdoo
Langue: anglais

Bill McAdoo

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With Pete Seeger on banjo.
Tune: "Jumping Judy"


Bill McAdoo scrisse questa canzone subito dopo il cosiddetto "1960 U-2 incident", quando un velivolo spia statunitense Lockheed U-2 "Dragon Lady" fu abbattuto nello spazio aereo sovietico. Gli americani prima negarono l'accaduto ma furono messi molto in imbarazzo quando i sovietici mostrarono in televisione i resti dell'apparecchio e, soprattutto, il pilota Francis Gary Powers catturato sano e salvo...

I personaggi evocati nella canzone sono il dittatore spagnolo Francisco Franco, quello cubano Fulgencio Batista, quello di Taiwan e grande avversario di Mao, Chiang Kai-shek, e quello sud-coreano, anti-comunista e filo-americano, Syngman Rhee...
I don't want to have a war,
I don't want to have a war,
I don't want to have a war;
I just want to live in peace.

I will never drop that bomb,
I will never drop that bomb,
I will never drop that bomb;
And blow this world to Hell.

I won't fight for Mr. Franco,
Chiang-Kai Chek or Syngman Rhee
I won't fight for old Batista,
I won't fight for tyranny.

Now you can send me to the army,
You can send me to the navy,
You can throw me down in jail,
But you can't change my mind.

I say it's the rich who want the guns, boys,
Want the tanks and want the money;
It's the rich who want the wars,
The poor just have to fight and die.

Now I've had enough of fightin',
Hearing lonely children cryin' .
I don‘t want to have a war,
I just want to live in peace.

I will tell it to the White House,
I will tell it to the Congress,
I will tell it to the world,
I just want to live in peace.

I just want to live in peace,
I just want to live in peace.

envoyé par Alessandro - 25/3/2010 - 16:11

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