

Lingua: Inglese


Ti può interessare anche...

Free the Children
(Keith and Renée)
La macchina in seconda fila
(Corrado Sannucci)

Album "Korn"


"When I was a kid, I was being abused by somebody else and I went to my parents and told them about it, and they thought I was lying and joking around. They never did shit about it. They didn't believe it was happening to their son.... I don't really like to talk about that song. This is as much as I've ever talked about it...."
(Jonathan Davis, Korn's lead vocalist and frontman)
Mother, please forgive me.
I just had to get out all
my pain and suffering.
Now that I am done,
remember I will always
love you; I'm your son.

Little child looking so pretty
come out and play, I'll be your Daddy
Innocent child looking so sweet
I rape in my eyes and on
your flesh I'll eat

You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt as a child
Tied down, "That's
a good boy."
And fuck your own child
I scream, no-one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, I saw you watchin'
Mommy, why?? Your own child...

Little child, looking so pretty,
come out and play, I'll be your Daddy

You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt as a child
Tied down, "That's
a good boy."
And fuck your own child
I scream, no-one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, I saw you watchin'
Mommy, why???

It's alright

You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt as a child
Tied down, "That's a
good boy."
And fuck your own child
I rape, no-one hears me
It hurt as a child
Tied down, no-one hit me
And raped your own child
I sit, no-one hears me
It hurt as a child
Tied down, "That's a
good boy"
And fucked your own child
I scream, no-one hears me
It hurt as a child
Tied down, no-one hears me
Mommy why?? your own child...

"I didn't touch you there."
Mommy said she didn't care.
"I didn't touch you there."
That's why Mommy stopped and stared.

Little child looking so sweet
I rape in my eyes and on
your flesh I'll eat

You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt as a child
Tied down, "That's
a good boy."
And fuck your own child
I scream, no-one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, I saw you watchin'
Mommy, why?? Your own child...

You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, I saw you watchin'
Tell me why?? your own child...
I scream, no-one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, I saw you watchin'
Mommy, why?? your own child...
You raped, I feel dirty
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My God, I saw you watchin'
Mommy why?? Your own child...
I scream, no-one hears me
It hurt, I'm not a liar
My Gon, I saw you watchin'
Mommy why???

Fucking bitch
I fucking hate you
Fuck you
I fucking hate you
Fuck you
You fucking ruin my life
You fucked...
Fucking bitch
I hate you
I fucking hate you
Fuck you...

inviata da Alessandro - 25/3/2010 - 09:59

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