A tree walks in the streets
gets excited breathlessly.
He wears a military hat
with brightening stars.
Holding in his hand a trumpet
he throws untuned sounds
pumping his cheeks
to burst out
bearing a little flag
painted with white-red-blue .
General De Gaulle is beyond himself,
France has no money more, he's in difficulties
And he cries, cries,
tears drop
he cries cries
and he doesn’t know what to do.
What will he make this year
at O.N.U.?
He says “I like peace”
but war continues.
This contradiction embarrasses him,
he's afraid for his own prestige,
he manages in diplomacy
and deludes himself.
The General-President
wants to revolutionize politics:
“Where are the friends of France?”
But nobody answers.
Revolution in Algeria
worries him so much.
France gets defeats
on every field.
He doesn't know anymore what to do
France is at the bottom of the slope
sunk by Liberation Army
she reels pitifully.
gets excited breathlessly.
He wears a military hat
with brightening stars.
Holding in his hand a trumpet
he throws untuned sounds
pumping his cheeks
to burst out
bearing a little flag
painted with white-red-blue .
General De Gaulle is beyond himself,
France has no money more, he's in difficulties
And he cries, cries,
tears drop
he cries cries
and he doesn’t know what to do.
What will he make this year
at O.N.U.?
He says “I like peace”
but war continues.
This contradiction embarrasses him,
he's afraid for his own prestige,
he manages in diplomacy
and deludes himself.
The General-President
wants to revolutionize politics:
“Where are the friends of France?”
But nobody answers.
Revolution in Algeria
worries him so much.
France gets defeats
on every field.
He doesn't know anymore what to do
France is at the bottom of the slope
sunk by Liberation Army
she reels pitifully.
envoyé par Alessandro - 9/3/2010 - 11:19
Album “Songs of F.L.N. - Freedom Fighters of Algeria” (sung in arabic), Folkways Records.
Canzone satirica contro la Francia ed il suo presidente-generale, la cui linea di condotta rispetto alla questione algerina fu incomprensibile, fra strizzate d’occhio ai pied-noirs, negoziati segreti per una transizione pacifica verso l’indipendenza e feroci repressioni, salvo poi doversi arrendere all’evidenza della storia…