
Hymn Of Underground

Lingua: Inglese

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Album “Songs of F.L.N. - Freedom Fighters of Algeria” (sung in arabic), Folkways Records.
Testo e musica di autore anonimo.
Eseguita da un coro di combattenti dell’F.L.N., il Fronte di Liberazione algerino.

Cantata in arabo, ma sul libretto che accompagna il disco c’è solo la traduzione in inglese… ci accontentiamo?

Algeri, 1962. Foto di Stan Wayman per LIFE.
Algeri, 1962. Foto di Stan Wayman per LIFE.

“It is the most famous hymn between partisan troupe, which became so important that was used as opening theme by the programs broadcasted by the "voice of Algerian Republic".
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]
We swear on misfortunes and destruction
on pure and generous blood
on brightened and quivering flags
on high impregnable mountains
we rebel for life and death,
and we promised to vivify Algeria:
be witnesses of it!

We are rebel soldiers, and we fight
for right and independence
‘cause France doesn't listen to our voices
we chose, as rhythm, the vibration of gunpowder
and, as music and song, the rattle of machine-gun
end we promised to vlvify Algeria:
be witnesses of it!

Oh France, the time of reproachs finished,
we have closed it as one closes a book;
oh France, the payment of bills has come,
be ready to get answer of it.
Because our Revolution wants to stop with talks
and we promised to vivify Algeria:
be witnesses of it!

Our heroes make an army
and glory is born again by the blood of our dead people;
their souls have achieved immortality.
On earth we hoist our flag
Liberation Front, you have our oath
we promised to vivify Algeria:
be witnesses of it!

Listen to the cry of our sacrified country,
Listen to it and answer to the appeal,
write with martyrs' blood
and read to young generations of tomorrow
we have offered hand to glory
and we promised to give life to Algeria:
be witnesses of it!

inviata da Alessandro - 8/3/2010 - 14:45

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