
Warriors Of The Rainbow

Yellow Pearl
Language: English

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Album “A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America”, Paredon Records.
Con Chris Kando Iijima, Joanne Nobuko Miyamoto e "Charlie" Chin.
Prodotto da Barbara Dane


“In Chicago in the summer of 1970, we met with some Indian brothers and sisters who were squatting for decent housing for their people. They told us of an old Indian legend (we don‘t know which nation it came from). The legend said that for 5.000 years the world would be ruled by evil followed by 5.000 years of good, that change would be brought about with the coming together of warriors of all colors of the rainbow, and that the time for that change is now…”
[nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album]

Quella dei “guerrieri dell’arcobaleno” è una profezia dei nativi americani appartenenti alla nazione Hopi, Arizona, ma leggende simili sono riscontrabili anche tra Cree e Cherokee. Il mito sostiene che quando la terra si ammalerà in modo inguaribile e gli animali cominceranno a scomparire, allora uomini di tutte le culture, uomini decisi all’azione e di poche parole, si raduneranno in un’unica tribù, i “Guerrieri dell’Arcobaleno”, e salveranno il mondo…
Inutile dire che questa profezia, descritta nel libro del 1962 intitolato “Warriors of the Rainbow”, di William Willoya e Vinson Brownera, doveva essere ben conosciuta da coloro che fondarono Greenpeace nel 1971: “Rainbow Warrior” è ancora oggi il nome della loro nave ammiraglia…
Rain storm, winds blow
Peace rides a rainbow

Hailstorm, rough sea
Chained things break free

Look up, look down
Look on behind you, look around
There's a bridge across the water,
There's a bridge across the sky,
With a many-colored army
I can hear their battle cry
Hold the banner high, warriors of the rainbow,
Hold the banner high…

Earth shakes, trees bend
Rainbow, in the end

Look up, look down
Look on behind you, look around
There's a bridge across the water,
There's a bridge across the sky,
With a many-colored army
I can hear their battle cry
Hold the banner high, warriors of the rainbow,
Hold the banner high…

Contributed by Alessandro - 2010/3/8 - 13:17

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