
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin!

Atis Indepandan

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(Danyèl Waro)
Papa-m monté oun bato
(Atis Indepandan)
Manvi chante péyi-m
(Atis Indepandan)

Dall’album “Haiti: Ki Sa Pou-N Fe?” (Haiti: What is to Be Done?), Folkways (Paredon) Records, 1975. Scritta nel 1973 dal musicista haitiano Toro.

Siccome terremoti, guerre e carestie si abbattono sempre e soltanto, per ragioni che non è difficile cogliere, sui poveracci, comincio a postare qualche canzone proveniente da Haiti, uno dei paesi più miseri del mondo, che da alcune settimane è sotto i riflettori internazionali (che diversamente non se la cagano proprio) per via del terribile terremoto che l’ha travolta…
Il creolo haitiano è pieno di accenti… non vogliatemene se alla fine me ne sarò volato qualcuno durante la faticosa trascrizione dei testi…

Haiti, febbraio 2010. Foto di Fabrizio Lorusso
Haiti, febbraio 2010. Foto di Fabrizio Lorusso

“This is a record not about abstractions but about the daily lives of 5 million people, living in a land
area of 10.714 square miles, 2/3 of which is mountainous terrain unsuitable for farming. They also live under one of the most brutal dictatorships of modern times [all’epoca il sanguinario dittatore di turno era Jean-Claude Duvalier, detto Baby Doc, successo a quell’altro boia di suo padre, François "Papa Doc" Duvalier – ndr]. Because of this and their extreme poverty, a massive wave of migration has taken place in recent years…”

“When we say that we want to sing of our country, we of Atis Indepandan mean that we sing about the people's struggles for a better life. We sing about their strong desire for independence, and how they learn to stand against their exploitation. In short, we tell the truth about the misery, and we denounce the many injustices done by a handful of capitalists to the great majority. More than that. We sing of hope. Even when the words of our songs describe very sad events, our songs do not leave the listener feeling sad, for as we say, "our courage is stronger than all our tears"…

“The bourgeouisie has tried to make us believe we are incapable of any thought by refusing to build schools for our people. We have one of the highest rates of illiteracy because of this policy. They also try to sow ideas of racial inferiority by skin color, and myths about women, to keep us from building the unity we need. The people are learning to throw off these lies.”

(Dal libretto che accompagna il disco)
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o

Réaksionè maché fè kouè
ginyin nèg sòl ak nèg léspri
sé lan konsa pèp Ayisyin
pa gin lékol pou li alé

Yap dévoré-n, yo éspéré, nape
toujou rét bèkèkè

Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o

Réaksionè apé montré
Sa-a sé milat, sa-a sé nég nouè
sé lan konsa yap divizé-n
pou yo ka kanpé pou komande-n

Yap dévoré-n, yo éspéré, nape
toujou rét bèkèkè

Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o

Réaksionè ap rakonté
Fan-m gin tèt feb, la fam sé
Sé vié kozé pou fan-m pa kanpé
pou-n liberé péyi nou an

Yap dévoré-n, yo éspéré, nape
toujou rét bèkèkè

Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o
Gadé maché ti péyi mouin adié-o

inviata da Alessandro - 1/3/2010 - 13:53

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese dal libretto che accompagna il disco.

Look what's going on!
Look what's going on!

The reactionaries want us to think
That they have all the great minds,
While we have all the slow-witted.
That is why they don't build any
schools for us.

They exploit us,
Expecting that we'll always
Stay down here, looking up to then in awe.

The reactionaries point at us:
This one is e mulatto, they say,
That other is a black.
One more way to divide the people.
Making it easier to rule us.

The reactioneries say:
A woman is just empty-headed,
or that she is "so mysterious."
A lot of old lies.
Invented to keep women from joining
The liberation struggle.

inviata da Alessandro - 1/3/2010 - 13:57

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