
Freedom is Humanity

Lingua: Inglese

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Tolerance is key to dismantling oppression
and to what degree would you be filled with aggression
to a different opinion, an unpopular belief
to take issue with another, to fill their life with grief
for an unaccepted doctrine whether it be religion
or a belief in a system past popular opinion
if what you want is freedom then learn about respect
because freedom is a state of mind
you must put into effect

Freedom is within your mind
to hold regard for all mankind
look deep inside and you'll see
that freedom is humanity

Transgress boundaries within your mind
to understand the thoughts of any other kind
although you may think different to any degree
do not think you must be the first to demand and decree
opinions are important but they are all the fucking same
a belief in anything and thoughts that you proclaim
if what you want is freedom then learn about respect
because freedom is a state of mind
you must put into effect

An impeccable human
neither commands nor obeys
power pollutes anything
it touches or persuades
obedience is the curse
of truth, virtue and freedom
makes slaves of humans
and compels them to condemn

inviata da Alessandro - 18/2/2010 - 13:43

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