
Age Of Oil

David Rovics
Langue: anglais

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This is what it was like at the end of the age of oil (insane).
It was as if there was a contest
To see how many holes could be dug
To see how much of it could be sucked from the ground
To kill off every beetle and bug
To kill off every woman and child
To kill off every man
And they put it all in barrels
Then they put the barrels into cans
That’s how it was at the end of the age of oil

It was like a competition
To see how big everything could get
From the highways to the strip malls
To the giant TV sets
From the MOABs to the draglines
Monster trucks and SUVs
And the massive roaring chainsaws
That cut down all the trees


It was like they were trying to see
How many garbage dumps they could fill
How many flagpoles they could squeeze
Onto a single windowsill
How many countries could be bombed
How much black gold they could drill
How much coal could they extract
If they just blew up the hills

It was as if there was some kind of test
And the only way to pass
Was to turn the planet’s atmosphere
Into a cloud of poison gas
It was like the only thing that mattered
Was the death of life on Earth
That seemed to be the proof
That you had made your money’s worth

And now here we are
Rotting in this bubble
And I’m looking at my grandchildren
Framed in by the rubble
Wondering what I coulda done
To avert this fate
But I was too busy playing concerts
Saying fuck isn’t life great

20/8/2005 - 19:05

Langue: italien

Versione italiana di Kiocciolina

Era come se ci fosse una gara
Capire quante buche potevano essere scavate
Capire da quante di queste si sarebbe potuto succhiare dal terreno
Uccidere ogni scarafaggio ed ogni insetto
Uccidere ogni donna ed ogni bambino
Uccidere ogni uomo
E poi metterlo tutto in delle botti
Poi mettere le botti in delle taniche
Ecco com'era alla fine dell'era del petrolio

Era come una gara
Capire quanto grande potesse diventare ogni cosa
Dalle autostrade ai centri commerciali
Ai televisori
Dalle MOAB* ai canali di estrazione
Autocarri mostruosi e SUV
E le enormi motoseghe assordanti
Che abbattono tutti gli alberi


Era come se stessero cercando di capire
Quante discariche potevano riempire
Quante aste della bandiera potevano schiacciare
Su di un solo davanzale
Quanti paesi potevano essere bombardati
Quanto oro nero potevano trivellare
Quanto carbone potevano estrarre
Se solo avessero fatto esplodere le colline

Era come se ci fosse una specie di prova
Ed il solo modo per superarla
FOsse cambiare l'atmosfera del pianeta
In una nube di gas velenoso
Era come se la sola cosa che importasse
Fosse la morte della vita sulla Terra
Che sembrava essere la prova
Che avevi fatto valere il tuo denaro

Ed ora siamo qui
In decomposizione in questa bolla
E sto vedendo i miei nipoti
Circondati dalle macerie
Mi domando cosa avrei potuto fare
Per allontanare questo destino
Ma ero troppo occupato a tenere concerti
Dicendo Fanculo, non è grande la vita?
* MOAB= Massive Ordinance Air Blast Bomb

envoyé par Kiocciolina - 7/10/2008 - 11:42

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