
Bush And Saddam

Everton Blender
Lingua: Inglese

Everton Blender

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Lyrics and music by Everton Blender
Testo e musica di Everton Blender

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Everton Blender.
Everton Blender.

Canzone anti-war dello stupendo cantante reggae-conscious Everton Blender. Per gli amanti del reggae da un fanatico del reggae e della parte migliore della cultura e tradizione rasta. La canzone, in realtà, parla della 1a guerra del Golfo e di Bush padre; ma è pur sempre quello che ha messo al mondo Bush figlio...

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Whoa, whoa
we don't want no war
we don't want no war

Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with Bush and Saddam
Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with Bush and Saddam

still we don't want no war
only love and Inity
that's what the people see
they don't want no war no how
because if this war should start
this world would be apart
you wouldn't see no people mouthless and shut up
there would not be no more people at all

Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with Bush and Saddam
Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with Bush and Saddam

we don't want no war
we don't want no war
Love and Inity
no war
we don't want no war
Love and Inity

**** cause mass destruction
the earth is *****
and the foolness ****
dem a perpetrate war
I and I need Inity
dem a perpetrate war
I seh we need Inity

Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with Bush and Saddam
Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with Bush and Saddam

I wonder if it's the %%ife%%
and the ****
your robber takin peoples life
fighting over the ****

to jah world dem want put a hand
jah jah seh world without end
right here now mi friend
you haffi gwaan 'pon the ****
Jah have the world in his hand
you can't change jah jah plan
before one a Jah word pass away
heaven and earth %passed out%

peace and love we a deal
peace and love we a deal
peace and love what we want
yes inna Jah Jah %sight%

Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with with Bush and Saddam
Bush and Saddam me seh Bush and Saddam
what a bam bam with with Bush and Saddam

we don't want no war
we need Inity
we don't want no war
strictly love and Inity

20/8/2005 - 16:15

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