
How I Learned To Love The Bomb

Television Personalities
Langue: anglais

Television Personalities

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Album "How I Learned To Love The Bomb"
How I Learned To Love The Bomb
Well there's no more sleepless nights for me
Now it's easier from now on
Cos I've realised exactly where I've been going wrong
Well I've been lying awake at night
Worrying about the Russians
But the Russians are my friends
Cos we've got a love that will never end

Cos now I've learned to love the bomb
Now I've learned to love the bomb

Well once we had a plan to go to Greenham Common [1]
And steal a Polaris missile
And we'd put it on the back of a lorry
Now I keep it in my bedroom
And it's yellow black and grey
And I'll polish it every day
And I don't care what the neighbours say

Cos now I've learned to love the bomb
Now I've learned to love the bomb

Don't you be so stupid
No no no

You should like the bomb like you love your mum

And if you want to live in a peaceful world
There's only one thing to do
You've gotta choose Cruise

Cos now I've learned to love the bomb
Now I've learned to love the bomb

Don't you be so stupid
No no no

What the hell do you take me for?
If you going to make bombs you're longing for war

Don't you be so stupid
Now I've learned to love the bomb

The days I've spent on CND [2] campaigns
Just walking, just walking in the pouring rain
Time and time again

How I learned to love the bomb

[1] Greenham Common, nel Berkshire inglese, era il luogo in cui sorgeva una base aerea militare con tanto di batterie missilistiche di Cruise e Pershing II puntate sui paesi del blocco sovietico.
A partire dal 1981 l'organizzazione "Women for Life on Earth" stabilì nei pressi della base militare quello che fu chiamato "Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp"... Le sloggiarono parecchie volte con la forza, ma loro tornarono sempre... Poi, dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino, gli impianti missilistici furono smantellati... La base ha chiuso i battenti nel 2000...

[2] CND = Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, nome di un'organizzazione inglese per il disarmo nucleare, quella che aveva come logo il simbolo pacifista universale, disegnato da Gerald Holtom nel 1958.

envoyé par Alessandro - 17/2/2010 - 12:57

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