

Gang Of Four
Lingua: Inglese

Gang Of Four

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Album "Entertainment!"

Una canzone sulla condizione dei prigionieri repubblicani nord-irlandesi detenuti negli H-Blocks del carcere speciale di Maze, più noto come Long Kesh.

Nel 1972 ai combattenti dell'IRA fu riconosciuto lo Special Category Status, cioè furono riconosciuti come prigionieri di guerra. Ma ben presto questa condizione fu revocata: nessuna differenza coi criminali comuni, obbligo di indossare la divisa carceraria e di lavoro come gli altri detenuti.
Nel 1976, Kieran Nugent fu il primo militante dell'IRA ad essere rinchiuso nei nuovi H-Blocks di Maze, e subito rifiutò di mettersi l'uniforme della prigione, rivendicando il suo status di prigioniero politico.
Così iniziò la "blanket protest" che culminò poi nel 1981 nello sciopero della fame ad oltranza che portò alla morte Bobby Sands ed altri suoi nove compagni...
Trapped in heaven life style (locked in Long Kesh)
New looking out for pleasure (H-block torture)
It's at the end of the rainbow (White noise in)
The happy ever after (a white room)

Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow

Dig at the root of the problem (Fly the flag on foreign soil)
It breaks your new dreams daily (H-block Long Kesh)
Fathers contradictions (Censor six counties news)
And breaks your new dreams daily (each day more deaths)

Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow

White noise in a white room
White noise in a white room
White noise in a white room
White noise in a white room

Trapped in heaven life style (locked in Long Kesh)
New looking out for pleasure (H-block torture)
It's at the end of the rainbow (White noise in)
The happy ever after (a white room)

Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow

Dig at the root of the problem (Fly the flag on foreign soil)
It breaks your new dreams daily (H-block Long Kesh)
Fathers contradictions (Censor six counties news)
And breaks your new dreams daily (each day more deaths)

Dirt behind the daydream
Dirt behind the daydream
The happy ever after
Is at the end of the rainbow

There may be oil
(Now looking out for pleasure)
Under Rockall
(It's at the end of the rainbow)
There may be oil
(The happy ever after)
Under Rockall
(It's corked up with the ether)
There may be oil
(It's corked up with the ether)
Under Rockall
(It's corked up with the ether)
There may be oil

inviata da Alessandro - 9/2/2010 - 08:44

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