

Primal Scream
Langue: anglais

Primal Scream

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Exterminator (2000), o XTRMNTR, è l'album con cui il leader dei Primal Scream, Bobby Gillespie, si avventura nell'insidioso territorio dei "riot-albums". L'opera, infatti, altro non è che un concept che trasuda in ogni suo momento tutto il disgusto e l'indignazione verso la politica interna del Regno Unito, che fotografa la realtà della gioventù britannica, imprigionata tra droghe, alcool e repressione (è il periodo in cui l'amministrazione pubblica di Glasgow impone il coprifuoco, evento preso di mira anche da altri gruppi scozzesi come i Mogwai).
Gun metal skies, broken lives
Claustrophobic concrete, english high-rise
Exterminate the underclass, exterminate the telepaths

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience

Incubating ultraviolence, psychic distortions
Slow death injectible, (my case is?) narcosis terminal
Damaged receptors, fractured speech

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience

Control virus, hallucininatory programmes
Septicaemic interzone, psychic distortions
Satellite sickness, tv junk

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience

What's up?

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience
No civil disobedience

Insecticide shots for criminal cops
All jails are concentration camps, all judges are bought
Everyone's a prostitute, everyone's a prostitute

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience

Lookout kid, they keep it all hid
You think you're free but you ain't free, just free to be hit
You're an unchannelled frequency
Nobody's listening
You're imbalanced permanent, nobody's listening

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience

No civil disobedience, no civil disobedience
No civil disobedience

envoyé par Alessandro - 7/2/2010 - 22:54

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