
Don't Come Crying to Me

Lorne Clarke & Tom Flannery
Langue: anglais

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(Lorne Clarke & Tom Flannery)
(Lorne Clarke & Tom Flannery)


"On the morning of Wednesday, 03 November 2004, we awoke to learn that George W. Bush had won re-election to the Whitehouse. To say that we felt dismay would be a serious understatement in that it truly felt like we had been kicked in the stomach by a mule.

The dishonesty, arrogance and unilateral heavy-handedness of the Bush administration during the first term convinced us that the next four years would be filled with more of the same - generating, on a world-wide basis, a frightening level of distrust and hatred for the USA. Domestically, we fear the continued efforts to strip away guaranteed civil liberties by the enshrinement of the USA Patriot Act.

This song expresses a sense of resignation to what a second term of Bush would yield...and a sense of frustration with those who voted for him. It seems preposterous that the very people who need social programmes the most, who children comprise the majority of the armed forces, and who will ultimately suffer the most from the dismantling of social security - would vote for this guy - over a single 'moral issue'."
When they announce they're starting up the draft
Don't come cryin' to me
When they send your kid off to Iraq
Don't come cryin' to me
When you're in the graveyard dressed in black
When the terrorists attack
When the people of the world just turn their backs
Don't come cryin' to me

Don't come cryin' to me, my friend
Don't come cryin' to me
You only reap the crop you sow
So don't come cryin' to me

When the mill shuts down and moves away
Don't come cryin' to me
When they take your benefits away
Don't come cryin' to me
When the bills stack up and you can't pay
When the banker comes to take your house away
When no one hears you when you pray
Don't come cryin' to me

Don't come cryin' to me, my friend
Don't come cryin' to me
You only reap the crop you sow
So don't come cryin' to me

When it's treasonous to reminisce
Don't come cryin' to me
When they're spying on you when you're taking a piss
Don't come cryin' to me
When the Secret Service is at your door
And your library card falls to the floor
They found you're been reading that Michael Moore
Don't come cryin' to me

When your social security just ain't there
Don't come cryin' to me
When you're auctioning off your Mother's rocking chair
Don't come cryin' to me
Looking for a buyer for your SUV
Spent your tax cut on a spree
Soldier grandson becomes an amputee
Don't come cryin' to me

Don't come cryin' to me, my friend
Don't come cryin' to me
You only reap the crop you sow
So don't come cryin' to me.

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 8/8/2005 - 10:47

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