
It's Always the Other Side

Peter Hicks
Lingua: Inglese

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Testo di / Lyrics by Peter Hicks
Musica di / Music by Geoff Francis

Does the stunning silence from people in western countries and their lack of opposition to NATO's savage war against the people of Yugoslavia mean that all but a lunatic fringe of Serb nationalists have swallowed the imperialist warmakers lies hook, line and sinker? We hope not.

Does anyone believe that the psychopathic Clinton gives a toss for the people of Kosovo, or, for that matter, for anything at all other than his own dick? Surely not.
It's always the other side, it's never you and me,
The forked tongue and the demon horns grow on the enemy.
Yes, it's always the other side, it's never you and me,
The forked tongue and the demon horns grow on the enemy.

He's from Libya, from Serbia, Iraq and Palestine,
He is the very enemy of all of humankind,
He's savage and barbaric, he doesn't have a heart,
He isn't even human, why, he's made from devil's parts.

'Cos it's always..

We've nothing 'gainst these people, it's their leaders we don't like -
That's why we bomb their schools by day and burn their homes at night.
If it has to be, we'll kill them to bring freedom to their land,
But it's for their good we're doing it, they ought to understand.

And it's always...

They butcher little babies, and they feed on Granny Stew,
I know because they said so on the Channel Seven news -
We'll string them up for war crimes when the conflict's done,
For none has ever been committed by any side that's ever won.

For it's always ...

And if our bombs and missiles fail to bring them to their knees,
We'll strangle them with sanctions and watch them slowly bleed,
As daughters bury mothers and fathers bury sons,
It's through the peace of the graveyard that our victory will come.

As long as it's the other side ...

He's savage and barbaric, he doesn't have a heart,
He isn't even human, why, he's made from devil's parts.
But if you can look back at yourself from 'cross the great divide,
The person that you'll see is standing on the other side.

Yes it's always ...

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 4/8/2005 - 12:49

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