
Machine Gun Kelly

Angelic Upstarts
Language: English

Angelic Upstarts

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Machine Gun Kelly

"Machine Gun Kelly" non è più qui il famoso criminale americano, al secolo George Kelly Barnes, ma un soldato di un qualche esercito di occupazione, così come - per esempio - i cittadini dell'Ulster dovevano vedere i soldati inglesi...
Machine Gun Kelly is on the street
He's got a uniform, he's on the beat
So watch out what you do
One false move and he'll shoot you

He's got a gun and it frightens me
A picture you thought that you'd never see

Machine Gun Kelly is on the street
He's got a uniform, he's on the beat
You don't have to be robbing a bank
Walking the streets your takin the chance

He's got a gun and it frightens me
A picture you thought that you'd never see

Run run run..Run away!

Contributed by Alessandro - 2010/2/1 - 14:01

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