
Da-Da: War is On (If The War is On Then The Head is Off)

Charles Tyler
Lingua: Inglese

Charles Tyler

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Lyrics and Music by Chris Diurni
Album: Da-Da

"A great head-bashing anarchic punk track by Chris Diurni in which Bonnie and I scream our lungs out...
Bonnie's amazing scream and my ripped throat are the things I remember most from this 'bash it out quick and get it down while it's hot' session at the Mendocino Community School studio.. Tony and John drive the song along brilliantly - a club favourite with Da-Da fans..."
You wanna kill? You wanna fight?
You have no right to call the blind
But you continue to discontinue
The right for peace of mind

Well, if the war is on then the head is off
If the war is on then the head is off
If the war is on then the head is off

Well when the death toll rises
There'll be surprises for you and all your kind
So close your eyes
You'll be as blind as your own command

Oh, if the war is on then the head is off
Oh if the war is on then the head is off
Oh if the war is on then the head is off

If you need help in your head
Or if you're feeling dead
Well call your local cop
And he'll bash it in with his Billy club

If the war is on then the head is off
Oh if the war is on then the head is off
Oh if the war is on then the head is off
Oh if the war is on then the head is off
Well, if the war is on - then the head is off!!

inviata da giorgio - 30/1/2010 - 09:22

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