
The No Nuke Song

Serious Bizness
Lingua: Inglese

Serious Bizness

Ti può interessare anche...

No More Three Mile Island
(Niss Puk Band)
なに言ってんだー (Love Me Tender)
(RC Succession / RC サクセション)
Hiroshima - Chernobyl
(Incontrollabili Serpenti)

Album “For Your Immediate Attention!”, Folkways Records

Sul tema si vedano anche No More Three Mile Island e All Clear in Harrisburg.
The same thugs
who brought you Hiroshima
Cancer and emphysema
Brought the Indian's annihilation
unemployment and inflation

Put these criminals on trial
they are responsible for
Three Mile Island

They made their mark
soon there'll be people
glowin in the dark
People droppin like flies
And they won't even hear their cries

Cryin out to the money freaks
but they don't even care
They're too busy reapin super profits
from the nuclear warfare

The same thugs
who brought you Hiroshima
Cancer and emphysema
Brought the Indian's annihilation
unemployment and inflation

Put these criminals on trial
they are responsible for
Three Mile Island

Harrisburg wasn't the first
you know Detroit had it much worst
how many more will have to die
while profits rise to the sky
How many more leaks
just to satisfy the money freaks

The same thugs
who brought you Hiroshima
Cancer and emphysema
Brought the Indian's annihilation
unemployment and inflation

Put these criminals on trial
they are responsible for
Three Mile Island

inviata da Alessandro - 29/1/2010 - 09:29

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