

Doc Jazz
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics, music and performance by Doc Jazz
It's 2010 - and the major powers of this world are still using the logic of the stone age ... so this funky song calls for 'Soulvation'! The Doc Jazz definition of this concept: justice - not greed - as the main basis for a peaceful world.
Save your energy we've heard it all before
You say that things will change but you don't sound so sure
No need to listen to a promise you won't keep
It's a daydream -and talk is cheap.

Euphemisms won't change reality
A cataclysm is what you really hope to see
YES YOU CAN commit a crime and make it seem
Like a major feat of self-esteem.

It's the hypocrisy
of fake democracy.

It's 2010 - when will we begin
To make a new start and let "Soulvation" in

It's 2010 - when will we begin
To let justice prevail this way we all will win..

There's a lesson but It still hasn't been learned
If you reach too far your fingers will be burned
Civilization is not the same as endless greed
It's an illusion - that we don't need

It's the hypocrisy
of fake democracy..

It's 2010 -when will we begin
To make a new start and let soulvation in

It's 2010 -when will we begin
To let justice prevail this way we all will win

It's 2010…

Civilization is not the same as endless greed
It's an illusion - that we don't need

It's the hypocrisy
of fake democracy..

It's 2010 -when will we begin
To make a new start and let soulvation in
It's 2010 -when will we begin
To let justice prevail this way we all will win

It's 2010
So stop those wars right now
It's 2010
You gotta stop those wars right now.

inviata da giorgio - 28/1/2010 - 09:49

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