
C.R.A.B. (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft & Bush)

Todd Samusson
Lingua: Inglese

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Canzoncina dedicata a un GRANCHIO (CRAB) che gli americani hanno continuato a prendere rieleggendo tutti i personaggini enumerati nel titolo...

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Cheney and Rumsfeld , Ashcroft and Bush
They¹re an axis of evil; a pain in the tush
They don¹t like folks who like - babaganoush;
Cheney and Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and Bush

Cheney¹s so chummy with oil and gas;
He loves to rub shoulders with the ruling class
They promised to pay for his next heart bypass;
Cheney¹s so chummy with oil and gas

Rumsfeld¹s a remnant of what was before;
He wants to replay the Persian Gulf War
Can¹t stand Saddam; He thinks he¹s a bore;
Rumsfeld¹s a remnant of what was before

Ashcroft is actually awfully uptight;
He¹s a pointy-head Klansman who rides in the night
Hangs with the fringe on the Christian far right;
Ashcroft is actually awfully uptight

Bush is just bush league; he never paid dues;
He butchers the language on the evening news
It¹s amazing the guy can tie his own shoes;
Bush is just bush league; he never paid dues

[REPEAT V1 - with last line 2x]

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 2/7/2005 - 10:37

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