
Standing on the Graves of Our Children

Mark Levy
Lingua: Inglese

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Una canzone sul conflitto israelo-palestinese ispirata al contributo dato dall'organizzazione The Parents Circle, formata da famiglie israeliane e palestinesi, al vero processo di pace, quello che comincia dal basso.
We have every reason to hate each other,
brother, you and I.
Some of your people killed my son,
some of mine watched yours die.
And though we should be enemies,
our grief unites us still.
We've set aside our anger
to talk and not to kill.

And we are standing on the graves of our children,
wondering how many must die?
standing on the graves of our children,
asking why not give peace a try?

We carried these dear ones and bore them with love,
lost them to bullet and bomb.
Sister we both buried beautiful dreams,
never again to cry, Mom.
And though the pain we mothers feel
has torn our lives to shreds,
we have lost our loved ones,
but we have not lost our heads!

And we are standing on the graves of our children,
wondering how many must die?
standing on the graves of our children,
asking why not give peace a try?

How many years, how many tears,
how many coffins and graves,
we who have buried these children
ask through the violent waves?
Palestinians and Israelis,
Moslems and Christians and Jews--
we cry not for blood but for peace.
There is too much to lose.

And we are standing on the graves of our children,
wondering how many must die?
standing on the graves of our children,
asking why not give peace a try?

inviata da Alessandro - 14/1/2010 - 13:46

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