
Nobody Needs a Nuke (a.k.a. Everyone Needs a Hug and a Kiss)

Carole Rose Livingston
Lingua: Inglese

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Testo trovato su Broadside Magazine n. 186 del settembre 1988.

Dedicata ai criminali al potere, avidi farabutti miliardari & milionari che stanno facendo e faranno ancora più soldi - loro e le holding mafiose che rappresentano - sulle nostre spalle, grazie alla TAV, al ponte sullo Stretto, alle nuove carceri e, soprattutto, alle future centrali nucleari.
Poi le scorie radioattive un po' le seppeliranno in Campania e nei pescheti ed aranceti del Mezzogiorno, un po' finiranno in qualche bagnarola affondata al largo nel Mediterraneo, un po' verranno esportate in Africa, che tanto sta già morendo...
Everyone needs a job.
Everyone needs some food.
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
Nobody needs a nuke.

Nobody needs a nuke (uh uh).
Nobody needs a nuke (un un).
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
Nobody needs a nuke.

Everyone needs the rain.
Everyone needs the sun.
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
Nobody needs the bomb.

Nobody needs the bomb (uh uh).
Nobody needs the bomb (un un).
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
Nobody needs the bomb.

Everyone needs a roof.
Everyone needs a floor.
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
No one needs nuclear war.

No one needs nuclear war (uh uh).
No one needs nuclear war (un un).
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
No one needs nuclear war.

Everyone needs the ground, the earth.
Everyone needs a flower.
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
No one needs nuclear power.

No one needs nuclear power (uh uh).
No one needs nuclear power (un un).
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
No one needs nuclear power.

Everyone needs some love.
Everyone needs some friends.
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss.
And a song about peace without end.

A song about peace without end (uh huh).
A song about peace without end (um hm).
Everyone needs a hug and a kiss,
And a song about peace without end.

We'll sing it all over again.

That's how the so-o-ong ends.

inviata da Alessandro - 14/1/2010 - 12:05

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