
Blood On The World's Hands

Iron Maiden
Lingua: Inglese

Iron Maiden

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Album: The X Factor

xfactor"The X Factor" is a heavy metal album released October 2, 1995 by Iron Maiden. It is notable for being the band's first album to include Blaze Bayley, formerly of Wolfsbane, as vocalist, replacing Bruce Dickinson who left the band following their previous tour to pursue a solo career.

The title of the album came about in the early part of the recording. According to producer Nigel Green, "We all felt that the way things were progressing - the songs, Blaze's new involvement, the sound, the commitment - the new album really would have that extra quality, that bit of magic, that X Factor. This became the working title for the album and we liked it, so we kept it. It is also very apt as this is our tenth studio album and "X" can bring up many images."

The tour for the album, like the tour for their next album, Virtual XI, was cut short after Blaze suffered a violent allergic reaction to certain elements used on the stages where the band performed.

The album cover depicts the operation which left Eddie's head broken (first seen on the Piece of Mind album cover) and was done by Hugh Syme. In some releases, the cover was replaced with a less graphic alternative, showing Eddie from a distance, with the original artwork on the back of the booklet.

This is the second album after Piece of Mind that was not named after a song on the album. The words The X Factor do not appear in any of song's lyrics.

"The Edge of Darkness" is based on the 1979 movie Apocalypse Now and "Man on the Edge" is based on the 1993 movie Falling Down.

"Man on the Edge" and "Lord of the Flies" were released as singles. Both of these songs, and "Sign of the Cross", remained in Maiden setlists following Bruce Dickinson's return. Live versions of these songs can be found on the single for "The Wicker Man" "Death on the Road", and "Rock in Rio", respectively.

Sometimes it makes me wonder
Sometimes it makes me question
Sometimes it makes me saddened
Always it makes me angry but ...

When you can see it happening
The madness that's all around you
Nobody seems to worry
The World seens so powerless to act ...

It's out of control
Blood on The World's hands
Each day a new toll

Another assassination
The same day a new creation
But what are they coming into
Security of a world that brings ...

One day another killing
Somewhere there's someone starving
Another a savage raping
Meanwhile there's someone laughing at us

It's out of control
Blood on The World's hands
Each day it goes on

Brutality and aggression
Tomorrow another lesson
Expecting another air raid
Praying for a ceasefire ...

They say things are getting better
No need to be complacent
There's chaos across the border
And one day it could be happening to us

It's out of control
Blood in The World's hands
It's our epitaph
It's out of control
Someone should know
Blood on The World's hands

Someone should

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana di Riccardo Venturi
4 settembre 2007

Qualche volta mi stupisce
qualche volta mi fa domandare
qualchye volte mi intristisce
e sempre mi fa arrabbiare ma ...

Quando vedi che accade
la follia intorno a te
nessuno sembra preoccuparsene
il mondo sempre così impotente ...

È fuori controllo
Sangue sulle mani del mondo
ogni giorno un nuovo lutto

Un altro assassinio
e un'altra creazione il giorno stesso
ma a che cosa stanno arrivando
la sicurezza di un mondo che porta ...

un giorno a un'altra uccisione
da qualche parte qualcuno muore di fame
e un altro giorno a uno stupro selvaggio
mentre qualcuno sta ridendo di noi

È fuori controllo
sangue sulle mani del mondo
ogni giorno va avanti così

Brutalità e aggressione
domani un'altra lezione
attendendo un altro raid aereo
e pregando per un cessate il fuoco...

Dicono che le cose stanno andando meglio
ma è inutile essere compiacenti
c'è il caos sulla frontiera
e un giorno potrebbe succedere a noi

È fuori controllo
sangue sulle mani del mondo
è il nostro epitaffio
è fuori dal controllo
qualcuno dovrebbe sapere
Sangue sulle mani del mondo

Qualcuno dovrebbe

4/9/2007 - 00:28

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