
B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs)

System Of A Down
Langue: anglais

System Of A Down

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Da / From "Mesmerize"

System Of A Down.
System Of A Down.

Primo singolo dell’album “Mezmerize”(2005), BYOB è l'acronimo di "Bring Your Own Bottle" (porta la tua bottiglia), usanza tipicamente statunitense di portarsi da bere, ognuno per se, quando si improvvisa una festa.
Bring Your Own Bombs, infatti, mette in evidenza la leggerezza con cui negli USA si valuta l’andare in guerra, quasi come fosse festeggiare...(Raxone)

This song is about the business behind war. (thanks, Chad - Andover, MN)

"B.Y.O.B." is a term that means "Bring Your Own Booze." It is often used on party invitations if no alcohol will be served, but you are free to bring your own. In this case, it stands for "Bring Your Own Bombs."
When the band played this on Saturday Night Live in 2005, they brought their own F-bombs, which NBC muted. At one point, however, they took a close-up of guitarist Daron Malakian, who yelled, "F--K Yeah!" This made it on the air and created a stir for the show. The band performed "Aerials" later in the show without incident.
Vartan Malakian, father of guitarist Daron Malakian, designed the artwork for the album. (thanks, Tom - Trowbridge, England)

Hah.. i don't think it's about the war. i think he says BYOB and everyone shows up to his party without booze and it pissed him off... so he yells "why do they always send the poor"
- Megan, Columbus, OH

hahaha i was kidding... why don't presidents fight the war? now i get it.
- Megan, Columbus, OH

I have been a SOAD fan for a while now and i think this song is OK( btw songs being "political" is fine by me and i wish more were because its sensible to have concerns for the sh** that happens in this world and not to hide behind safe and simple ignorance like a regular carefree soft spoken PUSSY....*huff*)Anyway i dont think its great because it sounds a little confused and rambling sometimes and i feel i have to say my peace before i go crazy 1)I dont think money has ANYTHING to do with enlistment in our armed forces, i know plenty of rich families whose sons are fighting probably to live up to family tradition in military or for strength(based on personal and friends motives cause i dont buy into the "because its right" thing.) 2)WHY DONT PRESIDENTS FIGHT THE WAR?-gee, lemme think....because their the f**king presidents/ now i know that Serj and Daron were indirectly reffering to Bush's fallacy in this conflict by making a bad call and spending the lives of many soldiers with a false pretense but c'mon guys, he isnt an egomaniacal madman hellbent on conquest, i believe he is just incompetant and tried to do the right thing accept that he did not use tact and botched the whole thing up instead of keeping tabs on Hussein who is a master of genocide( isnt that what SOAD is against? hipocracy? *shrugs*) 3)I admire that SOAD wasnt lazy about critisizing US affairs like some people and was specific about the government producing unreliable information( or feeding lies from the...) and pointed out that the military was innocent and the victim when they said "u depend on our protection" but that was negated in the music video when soldiers were depicted as scary symbols of subliminal and hellbent war-mongering when they turned everyone into them. SOAD,wtf? Well, even if some lyrics were a little random and confusing(hypnotic computers, roses in moses's dry mouth, parties, etc.) I still found it powerful and very catchy
- Colin, Nolensville, TN

Great posting Tayo from are sooooo right.
- Eloise, London, England

Good song; the SNL version is crap to anyone who has seen it. They later redeemed themselves by playing "Aerials."
- Chase, Pasadena, CA

I love this song..its like rock then they sing maybe not
- Rhiannon, Oklahoma

First off, I'm seeing a lot of people write that they don't like bands writing political songs. Honestly, why do you people care if a band or singer writes a song that is politically charged? Some of you are acting like bands were never political and it's only happening recently. Anyone remember the civil rights movement? Vietnam? Huh? Even before that musicians wrote political material. Even the bards of the middle ages did. Why? Because music is supposed to have a message, ask questions, make a statement, get you to think, get you to laugh, cry, and/or get angry. Anyways, now that I have that off my chest, I must say that I do love this song and SOAD. They're one of the very few "nu-metal" bands that I can actually stand and not just because they have "political" songs. They actually have talent and are really good live. Plus they're amazing lyricists. I recommend all their albums. Each one has something great to offer to even the snobbiest music lover.
- Tayo, Estacada, OR

Alright first system of a down is awsome but i am a total anti govermet dude any and all goverment second i agree with Chris Owens with the terrorism bombing thing third punctuation sucks monkey @$$ 4ourth ... oh yah even tough im from america Irish ppl ROCK
- Todd, Salisbury, MD

Alright first system of a down is awsome but i am a total anti govermet dude any and all goverment second i agree with Chris Owens with the terrorism bombing thing third punctuation sucks monkey @$$ 4ourth ... oh yah even though im from america Irish ppl ROCK
- Todd, Salisbury, MD

As homer simpson would say "doh"
- Todd, Salisbury, MD

I'd just like to say that I am definetly a democrat and I hate what Bush is doing with the war and with everything else - but I cant bring myself to believe that he can send the people of his country out to die knowing that it is only for oil or whatnot - i dont think he can be that crooked and that cold - not at all - maybe i'm naive but I think that it is all much more complicated than anyone can try to explain - whether you've been in the military or not - it makes you no better or worse and/ more or less informed/intelligent. We can say our peace but nobody really knows but Bush - as much as i dislike him - alot! - we still have to think of him as a person - i just dont think he could do the things that you all say without any heart.
- Valerie, Chicago, IL

And to add on to that - BYOB is definetely amazing - their old stuff is better - but i do like these lyrics - it really makes you think - and the whole "lies from the tablecloth" thing - our news and government lies to us everyday or at least bends the truth - therefore we dont know the truth - so lets stop pretending like we do - theories arent fact - lets not jump down people's throats with political theories like their solid fact
- Valerie, Chicago, IL

I am from australia and i think its s*** that we go to war for the us. i just wish our government would f*** off and stop kissing G.W's asss
- jojjjooo, sydney, Belgium

Just a correction to Geoff's comment, I don't know where you got the idea that Senators have children in the military but that statement is blatantly false. No senator has a child in the military. If they did, they wouldn't all vote for war in Iraq. If you're still not convinced, watch Fahrenheit 9/11.
- Bob, Tokyo, Japan

I think someone already said this, but how many of you are in the Army? I'm currently in the enlistment process (signed up, not sworn in), and I think that you people are all wrong about why people join the military. It's not about money, the pay is crap. And as to getting college paid for, not a good reason to get shot at. I for instance was awarded a full ride to Iowa State University, but I'm joining the Army Reserves, and going ROTC, eventually serving in Active Duty, but my college is already paid for. I'm doing it because its right, and I know others who are doing the same thing. I got two friends in the Marine Corps, one is from a very well off family, but chose to serve his country. The other has dreamt all his life about being a Marine. Let us not forget why we went to war with Iraq, we believed that they had WMD's (I still think they did), just as the invasion began, a convoy of large military trucks escaped into Syria. And let's not forget about the U.S. Marines and Polish soldiers who were hospitalized after discovering some Sarin gas shells. Sarin gas is a low altitude dispersal chemical weapon and thus, a WMD, bet you didn't see that on Al Jazeera or ABC where they tell you what to think, and not simply what's happening. Wake up and smell the coffee, I'm a Libertarian, basically a Republican, but I don't agree with most of the stuff Bill O'Reilly says (he's too far left), Fox News is actually very middle of the road, the other news channels are just so liberal that it makes Fox look right wing. B.Y.O.B. is just SOADs attempt to jump on the Green Day "I hate America, even though I take advantage of its freedoms to get rich" bandwagon. Want a real political commentary, watch Team America: World Police, absolute genius, the final explanation by Gary is right on - Sure, Americans are arrogant, sure we step on people's toes, sure we can be dicks, but to believe that the world is a peaceful place or that terrorists will simply quit if we leave is naive, and when Nazis are knocking on your door or the Iraqi Army just steamrolled your country, who comes in and saves your butt?
- Eric, Marion, IA

o...m...g... I began reading this little thread of commets, thinking "Well, won't it be interesting to see what people think about this song? I'll just have a short break from my *ahem* "busy" schedual and read through what people have said... so, i read the first few posts quite happily. Then i wonder how long it's going to take me to read to the end, so i accidentally scroll down an- GAH! IT'S HUGE! It's been around for, what, a few months? Ha! this is great. i'll have to try and get through this monstrosity tomorrow. all hail my newbieness for having to point that out. :)
- Ugly Phil, Somewhere, England

Though people may not agree with it I applaud SOAD for this song. It's one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, anti-war song I've heard. I know there are a lot of anti-war songs out there, but this one is original, and if you can be original and get the point across at the same time, then more power to you. Chris, Norfolk, Va
- Chris, Birmingham, AL

"I doubt anybody in this forum has any military background which explains why nobody has any idea of what they're talking about. The military is made up of people from all sorts of statuses. Senators have sons and daughters in the military. Presidents don't go to war because they're too important to get their heads blown off. You are all obviously being handfed by the liberal media. SOAD has no idea what they're talking about" I spent a year in Iraq with the US Army and learned a lot about the world and myself. America is in Iraq for the oil- plain and simple. How do I know this? Because after the invasion, the first thing the Army was ordered to do was get the oil flowing. Things like clean water, electricity, and sewage are still not taken care of 2 years later. Yet the oil keeps on flowing out and into someone's pocket. If the US is so righteous and wants to save people from oppressive governments, why in God's name are we not in the Sudan, or a dozen other places in Africa? BECAUSE THERE IS NO OIL IN AFRICA Anyone who thinks Iraq was about terrorism is wrong- NEWSFLASH AMERICA, we were duped. Donald Rumsfeld was planning the invasion of Iraq on September 12, before any facts were gathered about who could have been responsible- if you doubt me do some research on the sworn testimony of Richard Clarke, a man who served in the intelligence community for 30 years under 7 presidents. He called Bush a liar, and if you don't believe him because you are clinging to the illusion that W is a good man, then you are stupid. The army is made up of mostly lower income males (a large % are minorities) age 18-24 looking for a way to pay for college and get a good start in life. That fact doesn't take away from their heroism- it detracts from Bush's false image of a righteous, justified war fought by men and women driven purely by pride and patriotism. This song is a well written, much needed wake up call to millions of young americans who have no f---ing clue what is going on in the world, or how bad their idiotic, thieving leader is ruining their country's future. Just because someone signs up to "defend the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic" doesn't mean that same person is willing to be a mindless killing machine to be used for the economic gain of a privelaged few. This war has not made America safer in any way. Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 (the 9/11 commission spent weeks researching the facts and came to that conclusion) and had no weapons of mass destruction. Invading Iraq was as warranted as invading Cuba or Lebanon- that is to say, it wasn't.
- Geoff, Norman, OK

It's a good song...I just wish bands weren't so political today.
- Matt, Millbrae, CA

Good song I love Daron Malakian's guitar in this
- JB, beaver, PA

I see a lot of references to 9/11, while I feel for the families of those who suffered the loss, I can't help but say that the US deserved it. As regards to the line "yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth", I think the previous line explains it, especially with the voice inflection and change. To me it's the US, or perhaps those in the army who do not agree with being in Iraq, saying that the government, corporations, and President depend on the protection of the people to keep them in power. However they, the afforementioned protected, continue to feed us lies on the nightly news. That's my view on it. I heard someone say that no one listens to complaining rockers, I would disagree. I would say point to the original woodstock as an example, though I grieve when it comes around every year for what it's been turned into. No longer a festival of peace, freedom, friendship, and music. Sad, but true.
- Zach, Harrisburg, PA

This song kind of makes me angry... Not because of the song but because all the people who say they are "Die hard fans" but they only like this song... SOAD will always be good (unless they go country) but,I just think System was better in the old days
- Amanda, MIneral Ridge, OH

I second Amanda's statement. Their first album was much heavier and controversial. "Toxicity" was released to the mainstream audience and "B.Y.O.B." is being played too much on MTV. "Hypnotize" has to be good, or they just might sell out.
- Jim, Oxnard, CA

How will you know when the war on terror is over? That's a better question.
- Jim, Oxnard, CA

What i perceive from BYOB is that, yeah, people do agree to be in the army, and they arent forced, but i dont think that every person in the army agrees to WHY they're fighting it. Im sure most of America doesnt agree with Bush's reasoning either. I know that almost all of Canada doesnt agree. But what SOAD is trying to say is that Bush assures America that everything is under control, and theyre killing countless people living in iraq (they wont admit this though) and they try to cover it up by telling the world lies ("yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth"). The other meaning i think they're trying to get across is from the line "why dont presidents fight the war?", I think they mean that if noone agrees with the US government, then why dont they go fight it themselves, instead of assuring troops that their doing this for a good cause and making them risk their lives for mabye nothing? While people dont agree with what they have to say, i think that System Of A Down has a good point, and we know that theyre gonna tell it how they see it, without bullsh**ing us and themselves.
- Julia, Calgary, Canada

What does "Bring Your Own Beer" have to do with this song??
- Julia, Calgary, Canada

First off I believe no candian or person living outside of America has the right to speak about the war being unjust or just. Canada does nothing for the world The U.S even has to protect them under a treaty, Canada's military to me is a crop duster, and 3 guys on horses lol. What Im trying to say is if you say our troops are doing horrible things like torturing prisoners they did the same to us and would do the same Ie: the video of the U.S contactor getting his head cut off with a butter knife which fueled the fire of American soldiers to torture Ie: the naked pyramid photos of Iraqis... another thing is you dont live in the US!! your not getting the bad reputation of policing the world and being hated for just being you, dont get me wrong I believe all torture acts are sick and need to be handeled but you don't go through what we go through day to day, High security checks,Not knowing if the man next to you has a pipe bomb it's so much clearer when your from a 3rd person point of view but when you are an American soldier torturing an Iraqi is trying to protect your country, friends, family and relatives by maybe sending a point to those convicted, in their eyes thats what they are doing and they see no wrong in it. And Whoever said my trials of tribulation facts were wrong should read the bible, they're all right and what I meant by 'catholics' is the trials APPLY more to them because of the Bible being our 'holy grail' Remember to look for the one true sign people quotefrom Genesis Book IV (translated in meaning) "And the antichrist shall take a fatal blow to the head which no regular man would live through"
- mike, Macomb, MI

To Jim in Garland, Texas. What is your definition of a Fascist? Someone who tells someone what to do? That is totalitarian my friend, and engaging a war with radicals that killed over 4,000 of our innocent people isn't telling people what to is doing what is right for the world. How would you have liked to have been in your office for work one day and all of a sudden be hit with a plane, and have to make the choice jump 50 stories to the ground of suffocate from hot smoke. I'm sorry you feel this way, it's not your fault, you've been fed too much bias by the same guys who dodged Vietnam and had peace marches all over. But guess what, when the draft ended, the marches ended....but the VIOLENCE WAS STILL GOING ON! Now those same people that moved to Canada for the time being are teaching in all of the colleges across the country and are also heading all of the news media in this country, which is why when you take a look at your front page the war looks as if it is in such critical condition. And to're earlier albums were great, i thought you all were better than this to have to write music about the bias you see in the news.
- Jake, Fairfax, VA

Killing is killing, no matter the cause. The extremists were wrong for what they did on 9/11, but that gives us no right to turn around and do the exact same thing. Jake, you are without a doubt one of the most simple-minded individuals I have encountered. How would you like to be worshipping in your mosque when a stray bomb from US planes strikes it, killing everbody inside. It happens, my friend, and until we stop the killing, terrorists will not stop the killing. Don't you see, we're doing exactly what the want us to do, overreacting and giving them more fuel to fire their hatred for us. Your conspiracy theory about the media is actually a 180 from the truth, as we see a sugarcoating of the real events of the war. Compassion is the key, and it hurts to see so many people angry at others and becoming just as jaded to violence as terrorists.
- Travis, Lawrence, KS

That second comment really raised my eyebrows. For one, the rapture and the tribulation is not limited to just Catholics. Secondly, George Bush is not an Antichrist. He really needs to read Revelations and get his facts straight. Leaders very rarely fight in wars. The death of a leader can lead to chaos in a nation. Notice that the terrorist tried to kill Bush. Is it a bad thing that the media is regulated? Every single thing shouldn't be broadcasted across the nation...
- Patrick, Kansas City, MO

Since this forum's become a political arguement more than a discussion about the song, I'd like to point something out. No offence to anyone but you people are very biased. I know thousands of people died in the 9/11 terrorist attack but killing all those innocent people in Iraq just does not justify it. I may not be old enough to get into heated political debates but I live in Kuwait and I know there were thousands more casualties in Iraq compared to the States. Also, people killed in 9/11 were well off people and their family members were given support by the government but the people in Iraq are basically living off the streets. I do think that George Bush is selfish and unjust. The main aim of the war was the oil. In the chorus, they say 'Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine', to me it's like taking away the sunshine off the land, ie. Iraq. There were also a lot of prisoners held by American troops of many which were innocent. These people were inhumanely tortured and most probably scarred for life. Now, if even one american man was held captive here, it would be breaking news all over the world. Now why was these inhumane activites by the americans towards the arab people (they were literally beaten to near-death) as important? I remember reading one prisoner had was splahed with and i think made to drink blood and they had told him that it was one of the female troops' menstruated blood. Another guy was whipped so much, you could nearly see his ribs poking out. Many of these prisoners were later freed because they were innocent and they had no evidence against the in the first place, just suspicion. Another thing, I really don't think Bush has any intention of catching Osama. It's clear that Iraq was the main priority for a long time. An advice to all of you would be set up a dish and get news from channels other than CNN, which in my opinion, is totally biased.
- Riham, Kuwait City, Other

Oh, Does anyone here know of a Yale-based group/cult known as 'Skulls and Bones'. Apparantly, both George Bush and John Kerry were a member of the group. They are, however, reluctant to speak about it but have admitted that it is true. They hold secret meetings and are rumoured to dig up ancient graves and decorate their headquarters with them. Many other reputable politians were members. Go look it up in a search engine. So what Mike had said might have soem truth in it.
- Riham, Kuwait City, Other

Daron Malakian can really play guitar fast! Do you hear how fast he is playing in the intro. The notes may be simple, but he is playing so f*cking fast!! This is a great song, and System of a Down is a great band, even though they are crazy. Have you heard their song "Chop Suey"? It is even better.
- Elliot, St. Louis, MO

The government owns each and every American. 'Why don't the presidents fight the war?' states a good question. One of the Comments on this post said arent we all hiding behind the Army like Bush if we are not serving? False. Drafting Americans could always come back and If it does Each and every one of us would be drafted before Bush. The Media is a security blanket for the Government 'yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth' Means the media is the governments puppet... If you want true facts watch al jazeerah tv.. Which the U.S has tried to shut down production of due to graphic images of what 18 and 19 year olds look like when an RPG comes their way. The government reports 1500 Americans and 800 English soldiers dead when the number including POW's and MIA's totals to 10,000 soldiers 1/7th of Vietnams death total. This war has been called 'liberating Iraq' Why not call it the war in Iraq? Because it makes Bush look like he loves Iraqis. U.S soldiers are pumped with hate not by choice, because Iraqi soldiers defend their nation that includes killing our troops. Our troops retaliate with pride and agression because their friends they went through boot camp with just got hit by a grenade and will never see their 2 year old daughter or 3 year old son again, Corporations own America 1/6 of the war debt would give free healthcare and extinguish poverty below $30,000 income within the U.S not mentioning the funding that could go to AID's research or cancer, or even schools. I once heard a quote " It will be a nice day when schools are provided with every material needed, and the U.S navy will have to hold a bakesale" It shows that Even if a person wants to get educated in some areas of the U.S they are not reeping full benefits so the man joins the army for college money... you can feel the grasp they have on us it's almost as if they depend on us to die for global domination!! like in the song. And remember if you are a Catholic there is supposed to be a Dictator (or president G.W Bush)who's father was a dictator (George H Bush)who will try to unite all nation's under a common goal (democracy) which will lead to the demise of the world there will be one final war (world war 3) that will be fought on Holy grounds (Israel, where blood is shed today) and all people not baring the mark will be spared by god and live prosperly in eden (which is meant as the world) In other words it is VERY likely Bush is the Antichrist Of course the bible said he was to come from Europe but America was formed by Europe lets not forget and Bush's intentions might sound good but dont be fooled, because the government is the slaughter and we are just sheep. Bah
- mike, Macomb, MI

This last comment I found quite amazing. First off, the war is NOT over. The song is talking about the war in Iraq, which is far from over. Secondly, the lyrics "Why don't presidents fight the war?" is a rhetorical question. Of course a country's leader wouldn't literally fight in a war. It's just a representation of how selfish Bush or any other world leader can be by sending troops to fight and die when it's not neccesary.
- austin, Vegas, United States
I haven't seen a crappy song get dissected like this since I accidentally clicked on "Hollaback Girl". System of a Down hides behind their tech skills. If you take away their tech skills, they are completely awful. Slayer would still be murderers, but System of a Down would just be retarded. No sense of what makes a good part. If you wanna argue that that's the point, kill yourself now. YOU are the reason the human race can't evolve as a species. You're about 20 years late for the "Craptastic" thing.
- Don, San Antonio, TX

Its showing how can presidents be so insensitive about sending kids (18, 19) to war, when they would never go themselves
- Chas, Webster, NY

In response to a few comments I've read here: The president CAN'T fight in a war! That's just a stupid idea. If the president dies, then who leads the country? I know someone said that question wasn't supposed to be taken litterally, but there are others here who do seem to mean it litterally. And as for the president sending the poor or forcing people to go to war: The US has a volunteer army. No one was ever forced to join for this war. It is, however, a shame that the president seems to have no problem using troops like they were chess pieces and not people to accomplish his objectives that don't really matter to most of us in a war that is further damaging the reputation of Americans.
- Burt, nonya, WA

It's not really the song itself that needs to be dissected, the lyrics are more or less straightforward. What needs to be anaylzed is the subject of the song: the current state of the world where a country can start a war of pure aggression disguised as a "preemptive attack" and get away with it.
- Bob, Tokyo, Japan

Steph no Bush wasn't backed by the majority of the UN either...There was only a coalition of 40 nations willing to give support to America...And most of them were third world or had no military...Our only G8 allies were the U.K. and Australia...How the hell can you say the UN had our backs when only 2 of the other 7 most powerful nations in the world had our backs?????
- Zac, Charlotte, NC

Karl you fail to realize all of our government is made up of money hungry power grubbing jackasses regardless of party lines at the heart of it is a one party system of mostly white men who are willing to kiss the media and major corporations asses to get into power they only do what makes them look good no matter what the effect on the public.....

- Zac, Charlotte, NC
Steph... You are so obviously new to the political landscape it almost sickens me... All of your points are pretty awful as for us calling Bush a coward if he had never mentioned Iraq nobody would have a problem with them we wouldn't even think about Iraq..There was never a reason for war in Iraq Bush is a jackass for starting a war based on pride and not going after actual threats that will soon have nuclear power (Iran, North Korea)...Think about it Bush may have been hailed as one of the best war time presidents ever if he would have caught Osama Bin Laden and then went after Iran, and North Korea...But instead he goes after Iraq and now the majority of the nation feels that that was the wrong decision...Another thing Steph honey you have to learn that the ends do not justify the means...Just because the Iraqi people may soon be happier doesn't mean we should have been there in the first place... Sure the Iraqi people are free but at what cost a cold war with Iran, and North Korea is approaching rapidly and with the unstable governments in those countries it doesn't appear likely that Iran and North Korea will be willing to cut the same deals with us that the Soviet Union did...
- Zac, Charlotte, NC

The table cloth line MEANS for a fact that the government is trying to keep us in the dark as in WE as americans are dogs and the GOVERNMENT are the humans and they feed us lies as in scraps from the table cloth so basically we are pets who cant see the table as in all of their secrets pretty good song
- Mike D, DeSoto, MO

I love it when people use the "how many attacks have there been since 9/11?" excuse. As opposed to before 9/11, when they were a daily occurrence? The last terrorist attack before 9/11 was 4/19/95 in Oklahoma City.
- Jim, Oxnard, CA

- Steph, Gloucester, VA excelent points made. We can't be a country full of people trying to talk everything out. dont get me wrong somethings are better talked out but after 9/11 i think we have the right to do what were doing and im glad hussein is out of power. i dont know about you but id ratehr live in a nation with a reputation of kickin your ass if you attack us rather than a nation that will ask you to say sorry and just slap your hand. this is the entire reason our government isnt only made up of one political view because there are better ways to handle differnt things and if you think about it since bush went into iraq have we had more attacks? didnt think so
- Karl, karlstown, CT

its obviously anti war... Maureen- dont listen to northern irish people though.... they arent that smart
- Dane, Dublin, United States

Well I am glad to see that everyone has their idea of what this song is about and what everything stands for and on the other hand I am ashamed that so many americans think that mainly the poor are the people in the Army. I fulfilled my 20 year commitment just over 2 years ago. Have any of you ever stopped to think that a lot of people join because they feel it is an obligation to their country and the freedom they and many others enjoy? Did you also know that their are many people that have or are in the military that had a family obligation in order to collect their trust funds. Every Commisioned Officer in the military is a college graduate and many come from prominent universities and not some local community college. Then on the Other hand 65% of the population of Georgia live in an income level of $27k or less, with the thinking of many that would conclude that most of the Georgia citizens will or have joined the military. A great deal of people that I have met are from the Carolinas, Midwest and New England states. From a military point of view the entire song is a metphore so do not take the context and apply it to normal everyday things, I guess that only the writers of the song REALLY know what is meant by any of it. Rest well all, afterall people are dying so that you can!
- Duane, Savannah, GA

First of all, much respect to everyone in the armed forces. My heart goes out to the families and friends of those who died, as well as those who are putting their lives on the line (and killing thousands of innocents). However, I think it's important that everyone, especially soldiers, take time to reflect on whether the war in Iraq is justified, and whether or not its worth the horrific costs in human life and resources. Here's some food for thought: There are many reasons the government has given to justify its war. At first, the government claimed that Sadaam Hussein had ties with Al Qaeda and that they possessed WMD's. Once it was apparenent that the WMD's had never been there, the mission became "liberating the Iraqi people and spreading freedom." Sound convenient? Well here's news for Dubya. There's a nation whose leaders admit to possessing WMD's, profess a deep hatred for everything and anything American, and torture and starve their own people. It's called North Korea. Sound familiar? No? Maybe because there's no oil there. One more thing: A very small portion of the United States' sizeable defense budget would educate every kid in the US with great facilities, and provide free health care to every American. Why don't that do this then, you ask? becuase America is ruled by the Corporate World. But that's a whole other issue that I won't get into here...
- Bob, Tokyo, Japan

A couple things. We do not live in a fascist nation. I'd prefer to keep it that way. If you read the patriot act, the republican party apparently disagrees. The liberal media is not in power. If you don't believe me, watch Fair and Balanced FOX News. Even CNN throws crap like "Does the country believe Bush?" rather than "Is Bush lying?" I believe that we needed to remove Saddam Hussein from power. However, Bush didn't say "I think we need to remove Saddam Hussein, so we're going to do it." He tried to please the UN, got bored, and shoved troops in anyway, managing to piss off all our allies. Most Americans who feel strongly about Iraq should have been aggrivated by this as well, but they mostly seemed happy that we were going. Clinton's military (the one we have now) used college payments as an incentive to draw in young people who would otherwise not be able to afford college. IE the poor. Now Bush, knowing we have an inferior budget-cut military, sent troops into Iraq with no clear long term plan, or even real objectives. Now, all we're hearing is "If I set a deadline, then the terrorists have won." Meanwhile, Halliburton gets most of the reconstruction contracts without competition, and the republican congress sit back and twiddle their thumbs. BYOB is an awesome song, but I think these are easy points to make. I mean, when you can argue something by shouting half-sentences over blasting rock, and the arguments make sense, then its gotta be pretty obvious. Still, its just the whole rebellion thing, not like anyone listens to rockers when they complain about society. Its just what they do.
- Michael, Huntsville, AL

OK PEOPLE! About all this arguement on the war, someone commented that "Bush (took)the country to war, despite the fact that he did not have the full support of the nation." The truth is that he may not have had the whole countries support but, he had most of it behind him. Not everyone disagreed with him either. Think about it, if Bush hadn't gone to war, then ppl would be calling him a coward and saying that he didn't defend his country. The way it is now, ppl blame him for all the deaths. Now, the truth is that we no longer have a draft system. If we did, I would complain as well, however, the way it is now, the army is ALL VOLUNTEERS. No one his holding these ppl at gunpoint so they will join. Most ppl join because they believe that they are helping their country by defending it. OPEN YOUR EYES! On 9/11, we lost thousands of innocent ppl. They were killed before they could find out why. Now, the ones who lost loved ones, are being punished by the terrorists for something they didn't do. The U.S. and Bush are backed up by most of the U.N. The way that the UN works, if we hadn't had support and had run into a war, then we would be cut off from our allied countries. The world trade centers were symbols of our thriving economy. Not only were Americans killed, many British and other ethnicities were also. Also, not only the ppl in the building were killed. Ppl on the ground and in the planes were also. I think that we had a right to defend ourselves. It can be compared to a bully on a playground. The bully will not pick on a kid who fights back, he will target the passive one who doesn't. If we stayed passive then we would be attacked again. Who could know what would happen next. They could target the White House, or a mall oor even the whole of D.C.
- Steph, Gloucester, VA

Open your eyes people. this issue at hand is greater than a fascist regime in america. this is about global domination. not by the puppet named george bush but by larger and more sinister demons that exist on this planet. we are being prepared for global slavery. open your minds before its too late
- nunyo, austin, TX

Wow I love to see how one sided people are ok first off Bush is obviously not the only 1 who agrees with the war because there is a systme of checks and balances so the president can just say lets go to war and then spend more than 40 days with out the other branches of the government approving or disapproving, and yes the poor does make up a large part of the US army but is that because of a lack of oportunity? or a lack of ambition? and you make it sound like the President is the only 1 "hiding behind the army" how many of you fine people are in the army? if you are I am proud of you but if you are not arn't you hiding also? I think that system of a down should turn there ?s around to them selves where the f--k are they I do not see them fighting this war. but at the same time I do not agree with the opinions of some of you you are intiled to that opinion just as I am intiled to my opinion I would also like to know if any1 in system of a down has been in the army? I do think that this is a very well put together song
- Dustin, Montrose, PA

Ok, first of all, the lyrics are "Blast off, it's party time And we don 32t live in a fascist nation Blast off, it's party time And where the f--k are you? Where the f--k are you? Where the f--k are you?" This here is using a party as a metaphor for the war. By "it's party time", SOAD are saying it's time for war. This is followed by the comment about America not being a fascist nation. This is in fact the band asking a rhetorical question ("we DON'T live in a fascist nation?") to themselves due to Bush taking the country to war, despite the fact that he did not have the full support of the nation. This isn't calling Bush a fascist of course, it's merely stating that it is the sort of action you'd expect from a facist leader. Secondly, the US army is made up mainly of those less fortunate. Of course there are people from rich backgrounds in the military, but the majority of those who chose to join the army do so because they see it as the best way for them to pull themselves up. And also, worth noting that recruitment officers specifically target those from poorer areas, knowing full-well they are more likly to sign up. So the "why do you always send the poor?" line is justified. Although in reality, the line is merely there to rhyme, and contrast with the following line. The important message of the song is of course "Why don't presidents fight the war?". The one person who decides to send thousands to their death is the one person who will never be called upon to risk his/her life. And why is this? Allegedly because they're too important. To be honest I fail to see the difference in George Bush dying, and some innocent young man or woman dying. Either way, it's an unjustivied deadth. And finally, "lies from the tablecloth" is indeed trying to say somethign along the lines of feeding "scraps" so the a pet dog. Although it's not really scraps so much as it is the stuff that has fallen from your plate, and is therefore not good enough for consumption anymore. It could also be refering to when a baby spits out its food, the parent generally tries to feed the same food again. Basically, SOAD are sayign either "you're feeding us the same worthless lies" or "you're feeding us worthless lies".

- TDG, North Wales, Wales

Little do I know why they're loved by many
- Axl, Newcastle, UK, England

About freedom of choice in US for poor people. Just imagine that IF your govermnet could pay for the (higher) education in US would the poor people still join the army? I just meean that when your goverment is keeping poor in lower educational level and then is giving them a chance to have a proper deucation IF they go to army. I think, its like drafting poor people. Ps. and I think you would oppose war more if US would do real drafting (like in my country) when I know that almost everybody (equals all people of good enough mental and physical fit) is obligated to go to war if called upon by the goverment.
- Sick, Turku, Finland

People BYOB stands for bring your own bomb smart people didn't you catch the song is about war not drinking and drugs the song is about how poor people HAVE to go to war to get money and the president doesn't go and fight just sits and watches it happen and "feeds us lies from the table cloth" means that they are telling us things that are not true like it is said the war is over yet we still have troups in Iraq
- Queen, Carmel, NY

B.Y.O.B actually stands for Bring Your Own Bottle. Even though the term usually referrs to alcohol The bottle could be anything: water, beer, whiskey, soda, etc.
- Nick, Erwin, NC

The. lyric. is. not. "We live in a fascist nation". The lyrics is "We DON'T live in a fascist nation."

- Maria, Lake City, FL
BYOB is about the government officials being really easy going, and just sending the "poor" people into war, without even thinking about it, cause hey, they dont know what wars like. SEND OUR TROOPS HOME!
- Devan, Centerville, UT

S.O.A.D. is amazing, not only for their outstanding musical abilities but also for their unique way of commenting on the present day political agendas. It is obvious that S.O.A.D. is against the president's war, but it is also clear that they are attacking the adminstration not only for the war, but for the way the administration has treated the public. The president and/or administration has "lied" to the american public on numerous occasions which i simply do not feel like listing. S.O.A.D. manages to blend numerous intelligent arguments against the war into a melodious track without coming off as completely unpatriotic; which, to me, makes them one of the best bands ever.
- Rick, Sarasota, FL

I think that by the line "Everybody's going to the party, have a real good time" refers to people going to iraq or whereever the hell we are now.
- john, omaha, NE

This song is awesome, i love the vocals, i love the lyrics, even if at times it doen't tie in, the effects of them are still there. Thats right.. i think its f#*king awesome that there is a band thats singing and making political statements, haven't had that in quite some time, i also reckon, BOOM is good too by System. "Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine"
- Mistik, Sydney, Australia

Although the United States Army is officially made up of volunteers, it is a fact that most of the soldiers come from the lower and lower-middle classes. The army entices poor American kids into joining by offering to pay their way through college after a few years in the service (among other things). That's where the line "why do they always send the poor" comes from.
- Bob, Tokyo, Japan

I doubt anybody in this forum has any military background which explains why nobody has any idea of what they're talking about. The military is made up of people from all sorts of statuses. Senators have sons and daughters in the military. Presidents don't go to war because they're too important to get their heads blown off. You are all obviously being handfed by the liberal media. SOAD has no idea what they're talking about. Great song though. I can't even understand what they're screaming but I like the guitar parts.
- MIchael, Atlanta, GA

Oh man country sure is fascist. The other day my neighbors badmouthed bush and they were lined up and shot. Then the government tracked down their family and gassed them and took all their valubles. As if that wern't enough, now we have Bush's secret police crawling around my town. The USA sure is fascist.
- MIchael, Atlanta, GA

My assumption of the tablecloth line was that "they feed us lies from the tablecloth" related to how a dog begs for food at dinner and then gets fed scraps secretly from the table. Thats just an opinion though.
- Chris, Tampa Bay, FL

To Jim: I realize that I was wrong with my "liberal" statement, but I was just being generic.
- James, Omaha, NE

Anyone here besides be read "GuitarWorld"? This months issue featured SOAD and in it they explained some of the song's meaning. They said that the army recruitment centers are showing that the was is a way to meet friends and go to college, but when really the army is sending them out there to kill people. Which is sorta true. The tablecloth line is a little fuzzy though.
- Chrissy, My Left Buttcheek

To Jim in Garland, Tx. Please practice more on your spellings of 'Fascism' and 'Wichita' and other instances before you try to form a rebuttal to what I have said. You have defined in your post what is known as Corporatism. The rule of a country by corporations through it's political system. The influence of Corporations on the American political system is great, however that doesn't always make it bad. It would only be bad if corporations called the shots for everyone. In my town, for example, the Union calls the shots at our main factory. Democracy is a conglomeration of all various self interests among which include corporations which have an influence as well as all the other self interest groups including, but not limited to Unions, Politcal Organizations such as the ACLU, NRA, AARP, and even if you don't believe it, the INDIVIDUAL VOTER. Especially, SWING VOTERS. If one side doesn't like the outcome of a specific political situation it is not because they have been ignored and discriminated against, it is because they did not participate in the actual Democratic political process in which they would have been able to voice their opinion in a forum which could affect change (Democratic institutions and political processes)or that their view even if expressed in such forum wasn't as popular as the norm. If you want to affect change, you have more power than just 'Criticizing the powers that be' and making unreasonable and WRONG assumptions about the processes of Democracy. As far as this Corporatism is concerned, George W. Bush has been more interested in his Presidency of appealing the Mainstream and his policies reflect that. If they did not, he would not have been re-elected.
- Del, Wichita, KS

Wow is the first thing i thought when i heard this song they do sooo many good songs and i like the lyriks to this one i love the way its so........bouncy no f**king great come on system of a down!!!
- sara, wallasey, England

Also...there comparing how the gov't jsut sends people out to the war like a party..."Everybodys going to the party have a real good time. Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine"...bring your own booze...bring your own bombs...uhuh
- dave, new york, NY

To comment on what Del in witchita, Ks said, you dont have to be an extreme Fasctist to be a Fascist. When it comes down to it, any government telling you what to do is Fasctism. If you don't feel Fasctism exist in this country then please tell me what happend on November 22, 1963? How is a Coup d'etat not Fasctism. Of course Fascism exist in this country. It exist in all countrys, so yes S.O.A.D. is justified in saying this war was caused by Fascism. As a matter of fact it was caused by one of the biggest Fasctist of all time, the Walker-Bush family. They have sold out to "The BIG 5" defense contractors, big Oil, and Wall Street. So yes my brother, its sad but true, Fasctism is alive and well in this country, don't believe me google search Mumia Abul-Jamal.
- jim, garland, TX

Even if this song is politically incorrect or very controversial about using the term fascism I still love System Of A Down and think this song is definitley one of their best.
- Chris, Tampa Bay, FL

The lyric is actually, "We DON'T live in a fascist nation". Also, Armenia was actually the first Christian nation in the world, and their heritage is Christian, not Jewish or Muslim.
- Maria, Lake City, FL

To James: Of course the politicians' kids don't fight. But look at the demographics of the soldiers. Most of them are from inner cities and other impoverished areas. And if you're going to lump all antiwar people under the "liberal" label, it shows how much you really know about politics. Preemptive strikes is part of a liberal agenda, not conservative.
- Jim, Oxnard, CA

As for the "Why do they always send the poor?" line, it DOES make sense Yes, in America you volunteer, but who does MOST the actual volunteering? It's the people who are under priveledged, from poor neighborhoods, who join the Army as a last alternative, because it will pay for college/job training, and gives you money to live on. The catch? You might die... Very few wealthy people's the impoverished that make up much of our army The same can be said for every country really...
- Harry, Greenville, NC

It is wrong for 'System' to conclude that the War is the result of "Fascism". No citizen in this country has been persecuted or killed because of their dissent of such. THIS IS NOT NAZI GERMANY by a long shot. You may oppose the war in Iraq, fine. You may oppose the war in Afghanistan, fine. You can support either or both, fine. That still makes it America, land of the free. To the poster who said that Fascism equals government regulation of private property has it wrong. You have defined socialism, not Fascism. Fascism is government supported institutions and policies driven by extreme Nationalism or Idealism in the furtherance of a Political cause, and the systematic destruction by the government of all opposition, dissent to the Political cause. Both Liberals and Conservatives can be Fascist. It has NEVER happened in this country and NEVER will in the near future. Just because someone doesn't agree with you does not make them Fascist. Hey baby, that's Democracy. If everybody agreed, I wouldn't like it.
- Del, Wichita, KS

F**K yeah irish people luv of my fav bands!!!! always have been. oh and about the line "YET YOU FEED US LIES FROM THE TABLECLOTH", i agree with samantha. George bush (I HOPE i dont offend any one when i say this)is saying that theyre going to bomb iraq and send there troops in and fight "terrorism!" which is true, but we all know what the war really is for. BUsh was associated with the oil industry before he was elected president of US. george bush is feeding us lies when sying that the war is against terror, when really... its his war !!!! "blast off, its party time, and were all livin in a fascist nation" means that because of the events of 9/11, they were being looked upon as though they had something to do with it everybody was being fascist and accusing them, so i read in the paper in a system of a down interveiw.
- chris owens, belfast, Ireland

In the interview daron said that "the government tells you that marjiuana is bad for you and that its illegal because it makes black people go crazy!" some thing of that sort came out of DARON MALAKIAN'S voice. a reason why they say in the song, "...were all livin in a fascist nation". thats a reason but the other reason i made about them being accused of 9/11 because of their armenian cultural backgrounds and what theyre music stands for.
- chris owens, belfast, Ireland

To everyone who agrees with the lines "why don't presidents fight the war?" and "why do they always send the poor?" I really don't think that since the medieval times a political leader has every fought in a war. No president, prime minister, dictator, etc. has ever fought in a war in the present times. As for the poor fighting...where does the band come up with stuff like this?! The soldiers volunteered to fight in the war. We didn't draft them. Yeah, the song tries to be political, but it's just full of lies to rile up the liberals out there.
- James, Omaha, NE

I think the table cloth line refers to how dogs are fed scraps from the table and that we are somehow being treated like dogs waiting for a good meal. we sit by the goverment (table) waiting for the truth (a good meal) yet we are fed scraps (lies) dont quote me on this. does anyone agree.
- samantha, manchester, England

This song is obviously about the war, corporate (semi-fascist) America, and the lies the goverment officials (Bush Administration) are feeding us. I like the idea of being fed scraps (lies) like a dog. The meaning isn't exactly hard to figure out. Just listen to the lyrics.
- Kyle, Detroit, MI

This song has so much meaning if you just listen to the lyrics. The song is all true and the presidents dont do crap about this WAR. They dont want to loose their lives so they send thousands of men and woman to fight for them. Somewhat of being a coward. WHY DONT PRESIDENTS FIGHT THE WAR?
- Rickie, California, WA

Along the lines of terrorism and pre-emtive strikes: It's ironic that, through its foreign policies, the US gave birth to these terrorists, giving them both a cause and WEAPONS AND MILITARY TRAINING! The reasons for terrorism and for the war are much much deeper that most realize. Is it for Oil? Is it for Freedom? Do we have any right to push our "freedom" on others? All I'm saying is make sure you know all the facts and not just someone's oppinion of the facts (like SOAD's). BTW, we really ARE living in a Fascist nation to a very limited extent. Fascism = Government regulation of private property.
- Billy, Yer Mom, WA

Ah, but Shaun, isn't a pre-emptive strike terrorism in itself?
i heard SOAD did this song as a joke. just what i heard. youve got to admit it is kinda screwy sounding.
- Mike, Louisville, KY

When the knight comes home from slaying the dragon and saving the princess, did the people all say that the knight shouldn't have gotten involved and left her to the mercy of the dragon? SOAD has good music, but I don't agree with their politics, an unjustifiable war over oil is a political message, believing that is just being fed opinions from someone else as well. Pre-emptive strikes against terrorist nations prevents the re-occurence of disaster upon our soil.
- Shaun, Shelbyville, KY

Irish people like SOAD!? lmao what the hell are you talking about? Oh right, you're American ;) Open your eyes to the world, man. The other comments hit the nail on the head regarding this song for me. And yea, I don't get the table cloth line either...
- Dave, Dublin, Ireland

hehe Just kidding btw, Maureen ;)
- Dave, Dublin, Ireland

This song is about war in iraq and how the soldiers have become human sheilds for presidents and other world leaders and how we the world a re all being invited no matter where we are in the world "evrey body's goin to the party have a real good time...dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine". and how presidents are just sitting and watching "WERE THE F**K ARE YOU!...WHY DONT PRESIDENTS FIGHT THE WAR?, WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOR?!"
- chris owens, belfast, Ireland

The line, 'you depend on our protection, yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth' could possibly mean that the people of a country justify the war and 'protect' their leader from anyone who says different, yet the leader feeds the people of the country lies to justify this war.
- Pat, Thunder Bay, Canada

This is definately a mixture of "Bring Your Own Beer," and the war. System of a Down gets really pissed about how the government is being run. Totally agree with Chris Owens! (Do Irish people like SOAD?) lol.
- Maureen, Prospect, VA
Why do they always send the poor

Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels
Victorious victories kneel
For brand new spankin' deals

Marching forward hypocritic and
Hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions

Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Blast off
It's party time
And we don't live in a fascist nation

Blast off
It's party time
And where the fuck are you?

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?

Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions

Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine

Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?

Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor
They always send the poor

envoyé par babazuf - 16/6/2005 - 14:51

Langue: espagnol

Versione spagnola

¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
Mi Dios es de sangre de la Biblia con las orejas puntiagudas
El acero victorioso, victorioso
¿Su gasto puede arrodillarse?
El hipnoptico delantero marchando
Y las computadoras hipnóticas
Usted depende de nuestra protección
Todavía usted nos alimentaba mentiras del mantel
El La la la la la la la la la la
Todos vamos a la fiesta
Tenga un tiempo realmente bueno
Bailando en el desierto
Explotando la solana
Las rosas de rodillas
Desapareciendo en la boca seca de Moisés
Irrumpiendo en el Fuerte Knox
Robando nuestras intenciones
Cada ciudad, agarrada en el aceite,
¡La libertad que grita!
Dado al obsoletion
Todavía usted nos alimentaba mentiras del mantel
el la la la la la la la la la la
Todos vamos a la fiesta
Tenga un tiempo realmente bueno
Bailando en el desierto
Explotando la solana
Todos vamos a la fiesta
Tenga un tiempo realmente bueno
Bailando en el desierto
Explotando la solana
Destruya fuera de, es tiempo de la fiesta
Y todos nosotros vivimos en una nación del fascist
Destruya fuera de, es tiempo de la fiesta
¿Y dónde el fuck usted es?
¿Dónde el fuck usted es?
¿Dónde el fuck usted es?
¿Por qué presidentes no luchan la guerra?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué presidentes no luchan la guerra?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
Las rosas de rodillas
Desapareciendo en la boca seca de Moisés
Irrumpiendo en el Fuerte Knox
Robando nuestras intenciones
Cada ciudad, agarrada en el aceite,
¡La libertad que grita!
Dado a un obsoletion
Todavía usted nos alimentaba mentiras del mantel
el la la la la la la la la la la
Todos vamos a la fiesta
Tenga un tiempo realmente bueno
Bailando en el desierto
Explotando la solana
Todos vamos a la fiesta
Tenga un tiempo realmente bueno
Bailando en el desierto
Explotando el sol
¿Dónde el fuck usted es?
¿Dónde el fuck usted es?
¿Por qué presidentes no luchan la guerra?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué presidentes no luchan la guerra?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¿Por qué ellos envían siempre el pobres?
¡Ellos siempre envían el pobres!
¡Ellos siempre envían el pobres!

17/6/2005 - 13:53

OK, I admit to not having read every single post, because as at least one person correctly stated, they seem to be leaning more toward general political discussion rather than tackling the song itself. So, here goes:

Barbarisms by Barbaras
with pointed heels.
Victorious, Victorians kneel

The first part seems obvious, especially the ref. to "hypnotic computers", i.e. programmed subjects ala clockwork orange. Could also be a general commentary on the passiveness of society due to consumerism.
The second part can only be a soldier's remark toward his government.

Kneeling, roses disappearing,
into Moseses dry mouth.

"Moseses" dry mouth is the Middle East, the desert. "Kneeling , roses disappearing" I would assume to mean bleeding into the sand.

Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
our intentions.

Where is the nation's gold? Only, instead of stealing our gold, our government has stolen "our intentions", as in: we certainly wanted "payback" for 911, but Iraq had nothing to do with that.
Handed to obsoletion...
We The People are indeed obsolete. We are not needed anymore, except as consumers. Our votes do not count. Our representatives are bought and sold daily by special interests. Our opinions mean little or nothing to the government except insofar as they threaten it's continued existence, which is to say not at all at this point in time.
The President has made an art-form out of installing people into cabinet positions whose ideology is directly opposed to the mission of the agency/dept. they oversee. A timber industry executive is put in charge of Public Parks. Enron writes energy policy. A pharmaceutical lobbyist heads the FDA. And on and on and on........
Government is not run by private business.
Private Business IS the government now. Everything else is superfluous.
Despite the fact that conservative interests own, far and away, the majority of radio, television and newspapers, they have also perfected the art of "working the ref" with regard to that media. Shout "Liberal Bias!!" often enough and the ref will be afraid to call anything for fear of the label sticking to him. The saddest part of all this, and the rest I haven't even touched on, is that the average citizen doesn't give a whit about any of that, as long as they're driving the biggest SUV, wearing the hottest labels, and drinking the coolest beverage at the bar.
So why do you think system asks, no SCREAMS...

"Where the fuck are you?"

Raise your hand, open your mouth, make a fist and fight.

Jay Visor - 1/9/2006 - 05:41

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