
10 Second Free Fall

Three Shoes Posse
Langue: anglais

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Album: Three Shoes Posse

free fall

The World Trade Center buildings collapsed at free-fall speed in 10 seconds. Explosions were seen and heard. This was an obvious controlled demolition proving that 911 was an inside job. We need a new investigation to bring the real terrorists to justice!

"We were motivated to write this song when we learned the truth about 911. We are dedicated to the families of the victims to achieve justice for them and their lost loved ones by exposing what really happened on that day".
Alright, we're just searching for the truth
Because so far we've been truthless..
And I don't mean to be ruthless (…I do)

It was a 10 second freefall that's what I saw that's what you saw
that's what everybody saw
10 second freefall,
Official story don't make a lick o' sense at all
it was a -10 second freefall !

(clearly the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition)

It was controlled demolition
concrete into fine dust that's a hell of a transition
from controlled demolition
they believe in fairy tales at the 911 commission
but not controlled demolition...

Ashes to ashes, concrete to dust
Twin towers fall down in front of us
The beams dem use in the buildings you see
Twin towers should have stand up and a take it easily
Man, Mr. Giuliani man him in hurry
To hide the beams dem, Destroy dem quickly
Building 7, man them done destroy it
Destroy all the papers dem, Lord quickly

I ain't no rocket scientist (…I am)
But I got two good eyes and I can see right through your tricks
I ain't no rocket scientist
You can't change the laws of nature
You can't change the laws of physics
I don't need to be a rocket scientist

To see a
10 second freefall,
That's what everybody saw
10 second freefall..
Feels like my best friend just sucker punched me up side my jaw
with a -10 second freefall

Ten seconds…. ten seconds…. ten seconds….

Controlled demolition
Fool most of the world with a few well placed munitions
Controlled demolition
All because one world government wants to come to its fruition
They did controlled demolition

Do a search on building 7
And it might turn out that it's your own neck that you're savin'
Do a search on building 7
And it might turn out that it's your Republic that you're savin'
Do a search on building 7

Upon the TV, Me say, where me see it
Lord, dem a tell a whole heap a lies to we
Dem nah tell the truth, man dem crazy
Want an investigation about it
Lord, dem blow it up in front of we
Ashes to ashes, concrete to dust
Twin towers fall down in front of us..

We need a real investigation (…Pools of molten metal)
That's what we need
So we can take back our nation
A real investigation
I saw a 10 second freefall - so I want y'all to call out for a
Real investigation

(If you've ever had a wood burning stove,
I bet you've never had that puppy melt on you,
I dare say)

It was a 10 second freefall
That's what I saw that's what you saw
That's what everybody saw
10 second freefall
Official story don't make a lick o' sense at all
It was a -10 second freefall

Ten seconds…. ten seconds…. ten seconds….

911 is an inside job
You know, how they claimed they fell is a lie
And the official story is completely
unscientific, and a fraud, and a lie…

envoyé par giorgio - 30/12/2009 - 12:31

Ma che bella canzone complottista...
Un'esplosione controllata...
E la Terra è piatta, e gli UFO sono tra noi, e Elvis non è morto...

Cose del genere dovrebbero essere espunte dalle CCG...

6/5/2024 - 15:26

Sorry, cose del genere NON dovrebbero avere spazio sulle CCG...
Ma siccome qui si può dire tutto...

Faccio presente che il sito della "band" è aggiornato al 2007, ed è soltanto farcito di materiale complottista sul 9/11.

6/5/2024 - 15:32

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