
Living Planet

Jay Mankita
Lingua: Inglese

Jay Mankita

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Testo e musica di Jay Mankita

If all the world were peaceful now, and forever more
Peaceful at the surface, and peaceful at the core
All the joy within my heart would be so free to soar
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star

I don't know where we're going, but I know we're going far
We can change the universe by being who we are
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star...

If all the world knew justice now, and forever more
Justice at the surface, and justice at the core
All the joy within my heart would be so free to soar
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star...

I don't know where we're going, but I know we're going far
We can change the universe by being who we are
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star...

If all the world knew freedom now, and forever more
Freedom at the surface, and freedom at the core
All the joy within my heart would be so free to soar
And we're living on a living planet, circling a living star...

I don't know where we're going, but I know we're going far
We can change the universe by being who we are
And we're living on a living planet

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 16/6/2005 - 10:18

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