Rusted heaps, abandoned on the streets,
Remnants of a bygone rage..
Graveyards of plastic, once useful, fantastic,
Scattered all over the place.
Drinkin' water scarce, black and brownouts everywhere,
Power shortages the order of the day.
Behind the media veneer, the picture's real clear
The age of peak oil is here.
It's not the rapture, some prophecy unfurled,
‘End of days' or the end of the world..
It's not the beast unleashed, a curse upon the land,
Just the end of petroleum man,
It's the end of petroleum man.
Giant empty malls, ghost town suburban sprawls,
Next to mountains of garbage and waste.
Dust and rust bowls, homeless shiver in the cold
The desert heat reclaims its space.
Endless resource wars, tribes livin' by the sword
The dollar not worth the paper it's on.
Dreams of fair shares, turn to nightmares,
When all the cheap oil is gone.
One day you wake up, right becomes wrong
You realize we've crossed the Rubicon.
There's no master plan, by some invisible hand -
Just the end of petroleum man,
It's the end of petroleum man.
If you stay unconcerned, pretty soon you'll learn
Ignorance is not a good bluff.
The more we consume, the quicker we're doomed
For the addict enough is never enough.
One day a storm'll come, all the privilege you won,
Will blow away like empires in song.
The matrix will burst from so much hunger and thirst,
When the cheap gas and oil are gone..
Get to know your neighbor, learn to grow your own food
Get rid of your suburban point of view.
For the rule of fossil fuel, extinction's at hand -
It's The End of Petroleum Man,
It's The End of Petroleum Man!
Just The End of Petroleum Man,
It's The End of Petroleum Man.
It's The End Of Petroleum Man!
It's The End..
It's The End..
Remnants of a bygone rage..
Graveyards of plastic, once useful, fantastic,
Scattered all over the place.
Drinkin' water scarce, black and brownouts everywhere,
Power shortages the order of the day.
Behind the media veneer, the picture's real clear
The age of peak oil is here.
It's not the rapture, some prophecy unfurled,
‘End of days' or the end of the world..
It's not the beast unleashed, a curse upon the land,
Just the end of petroleum man,
It's the end of petroleum man.
Giant empty malls, ghost town suburban sprawls,
Next to mountains of garbage and waste.
Dust and rust bowls, homeless shiver in the cold
The desert heat reclaims its space.
Endless resource wars, tribes livin' by the sword
The dollar not worth the paper it's on.
Dreams of fair shares, turn to nightmares,
When all the cheap oil is gone.
One day you wake up, right becomes wrong
You realize we've crossed the Rubicon.
There's no master plan, by some invisible hand -
Just the end of petroleum man,
It's the end of petroleum man.
If you stay unconcerned, pretty soon you'll learn
Ignorance is not a good bluff.
The more we consume, the quicker we're doomed
For the addict enough is never enough.
One day a storm'll come, all the privilege you won,
Will blow away like empires in song.
The matrix will burst from so much hunger and thirst,
When the cheap gas and oil are gone..
Get to know your neighbor, learn to grow your own food
Get rid of your suburban point of view.
For the rule of fossil fuel, extinction's at hand -
It's The End of Petroleum Man,
It's The End of Petroleum Man!
Just The End of Petroleum Man,
It's The End of Petroleum Man.
It's The End Of Petroleum Man!
It's The End..
It's The End..
envoyé par giorgio - 18/12/2009 - 12:25

Lyrics & Music by C. Michael Stout
Album: Soldiers of Solidarity