
Worried Man Blues

Woody Guthrie
Langue: anglais

Woody Guthrie

Liste des versions

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This is a traditional folk song first recorded in 1930 by The Carter Family, also recorded 1940 by Woody Guthrie, and with revised lyrics in 1959 by the Kingston Trio, was theme song for the 2001 PBS TV series American Roots Music, performed 2002 by the Southern Comfort Bluegrass Band.
I went across the river, and I lay down to sleep,
I went across the river, and I lay down to sleep,
I went across the river, and I lay down to sleep,
When I woke up with the chain on my feet.

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long.

Chain around my legs, twenty-nine links of chain
Chain around my legs, twenty-nine links of chain
Chain around my legs, twenty-nine links of chain
And on each link is initial of my name.

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long.

I asked the judge what might be my fine,
I asked the judge what might be my fine,
I asked the judge what might be my fine,
"Twenty-one years on the Rocky Mountain line."

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long.

The train arrived to the station, twenty-one coaches long,
The train arrived to the station, twenty-one coaches long,
The train arrived to the station, twenty-one coaches long,
The girl I love is on that train and gone.

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
It takes a worried man to sing a worried song,
I'm worried now, but I won't be worried long.

If any one asks you who composed this song,
If any one asks you who composed this song,
If any one asks you who composed this song,
Tell him it was I and I sing it all day long…

envoyé par giorgio - 2/12/2009 - 12:45

Langue: italien

Versione italiana / Italian version / Version italienne / Italiankielinen versio: Gianni Barnini

Ho attraversato il fiume e ho dormito un’ora appena
Ho attraversato il fiume e ho dormito un’ora appena
Mi sono svegliato avevo ai piedi una catena

Ci vuole un uomo ansioso per un motivo ansioso
Ci vuole un uomo ansioso per un motivo ansioso
Lo sarò per poco tempo e tornerò gioioso

In questa catena che ha ventinove anelli
In questa catena che ha ventinove anelli
C’è impresso il nome mio su ognuno di quelli

Al giudice io ho chiesto che ne è del mio futuro
Al giudice io ho chiesto che ne è del mio futuro
Vent’anni giù in miniera mi ha detto a muso duro

Il treno è alla stazione ventuno i suoi vagoni
Il treno è alla stazione ventuno i suoi vagoni
La mia ragazza è andata per nuove altre canzoni

Se qualcuno chiede di chi è questa motivo
Se qualcuno chiede di chi è questa motivo
L’ho scritto e me lo canto per sentirmi vivo
cover metrica

envoyé par Gianni Barnini - 16/1/2021 - 17:26

Langue: catalan

Versió catalana de Toni Giménez

de àlbum: 40 ANYS! A dalt i a baix dels escenaris (Cançons per a adults en català)
A dalt i a baix dels escenaris (Cançons per a adults en català)


Canto un cant angoixat, jo, home ple de neguit
Canto un cant angoixat, jo, home ple de neguit
Canto un cant angoixat, jo, home ple de neguit
estic desfet, però molt no durarà.

Vaig anar-me'n vora el riu i allà em vaig endormiscar
Vaig anar-me'n vora el riu i allà em vaig endormiscar
Vaig anar-me'n vora el riu i allà em vaig endormiscar
em vaig despertar lligat de peus i mans.

Vint-i-una anelles envoltaven els meus peus
Vint-i-una anelles envoltaven els meus peus
Vint-i-una anelles envoltaven els meus peus
amb cada una de les meves inicials.

Pregunto al jutge que em digui el que he de pagar
Pregunto al jutge que em digui el que he de pagar
Pregunto al jutge que em digui el que he de pagar
vint-i-un anys a la via a treballar!

Arriba el tren que porta setze llargs vagons
Arriba el tren que porta setze llargs vagons
Arriba el tren que porta setze llargs vagons
la noia que estimo és a dalt i passa de llarg.

Vaig llançar els meus ulls tan lluny com vaig poder
Vaig llançar els meus ulls tan lluny com vaig poder
Vaig llançar els meus ulls tan lluny com vaig poder
una petita mà, bellugant-se, em va dir adéu

Si algú us preguntés qui va fer aquesta cançó
Si algú us preguntés qui va fer aquesta cançó
Si algú us preguntés qui va fer aquesta cançó
he estat jo i la canto dia i nit

envoyé par giorgio - 22/7/2020 - 08:55

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