
11. Prayer Of Thankful Praise

Cantate pour la Paix
Lingua: Inglese

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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Testo e musica di Hal Harold Hopson.

Hal Harold Hopson, born on June 12, 1933.

Hal Hopson is a full-time com­pos­er/church mu­sic cli­ni­cian liv­ing in Dall­as, Tex­as. He stu­died at Bay­lor Un­i­ver­si­ty (BA 1954) and South­ern Bap­tist Sem­in­a­ry, Lou­is­ville, Ken­tucky (MSM 1956), and taught church mu­sic at West­min­ster Choir Coll­ege (1983-84) and Scar­ritt Grad­u­ate School (1984-88). He has over 1,200 pub­lished works to his cre­dit. With a spe­cial in­ter­est in con­gre­ga­tion­al song, he has made a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the re­per­toire of hymn tunes and re­spons­or­i­al psalm set­tings in new­ly pub­lished hymna­ls and psalm col­lect­ions. His can­ta­ta, GOD WITH US, was one of the few com­po­si­tions se­lect­ed by a pan­el at the Ken­ne­dy Cen­ter, Wash­ing­ton, DC., to be placed in a cap­sule dur­ing the Amer­i­can Bi­cen­ten­ni­al in 1976; the capsule is to be opened in 2076. Ac­tive as a con­duct­or and cli­ni­cian, he is in­clud­ed in The In­ter­na­tion­al Who’s Who in Mu­sic, Cam­bridge, Eng­land, and has been award­ed the ti­tle of Na­tional Pa­tron by Del­ta Om­i­cron, a pro­fess­ion­al fra­ter­ni­ty.
Father, we lift our thanks to Thee
Earth in all its beauty
Sound of voice and music,
This is our thanks to Thee.
Father, we lift our thanks to Thee
Love and all true goodness
Noble deeds of mercy.
This is a song of praise.
Yet when we have thanked Thee for
these things
We have not thanked Thee enough.
Bless the Lord, my soul,
And all that is within me bless
His holy name
Bless the Lord, my soul.
Bless His holy name.
Father, we lift our thanks to Thee
Hear us, Lord.
We adore Thy holy name. Amen, amen.


Père, nous Te remercions
Pour la terre dans toutes ses beautés.
Pour le son de la voix et la musique,
Voilà pourquoi nous te remercions.
Père, nous Te remercions
Pour l’amour et toutes les bontés véritables,
Les nobles actions de miséricorde.
Voilà un chant de grâce.
Cependant, lorsque nous T’avons remercié pour ces choses,
Nous ne T’avons pas encore assez remercié.
Bénis le Seigneur, ô mon âme,
Et tout ce qui est en moi bénit
Son saint nom.
Bénis le Seigneur, ô mon âme,
Bénis Son saint nom.
Père, nous Te remercions
Ecoute-nous, Seigneur.
Nous adorons Ton saint nom. Amen, amen.

20/5/2005 - 22:45

Lingua: Italiano

Versione italiana di Luisa

Padre, innalziamo a te i nostri ringraziamenti
La terra in tutta la sua bellezza
Il suono della voce e della musica
Questo è il nostro grazie per Te.
Padre, Padre, innalziamo a te i nostri ringraziamenti
L'amore e tutte le vere virtù
Le nobili opere di grazia.
Questa è una canzone di lode.
Una volta che ti avremo ringraziato per queste cose
Non ti avremo ancora ringraziato abbastanza.
Benedici, o Signore, l'anima mia
E tutto ciò che è dentro di me, benedici
Il suo santo nome
Benedici, o signore, l'anima mia
Benedici il suo santo nome.
Padre, innalziamo a te i nostri ringraziamenti
Ascoltaci, o Signore
Noi adoriamo il Tuo santo nome. Amen, amen.

inviata da Luisa - 3/4/2007 - 14:31

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