
Toys For Peace

Ray Korona
Lingua: Inglese

Ray Korona

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by Ray Korona and Pete Seeger
Take the turnpike through New Jersey
Where it meets the Garden State.
If you take Exit 11 there instead of going straight,
You can visit Sayreville where Diane, a mother of two
Saw what war can do to kids
And did what she had to do –

Because we have got to learn
to live in peace some day.
Maybe soldiers with toys, not guns,
will find a better way.

She said school children in Sayreville
Should give a toy or two
To the children in Iraq. They have so very few.
Diane’s neighbor Karen agreed
And soon a movement grew.
Would the schools go along?
What else could the school board do?

Because we have got to learn
to live in peace some day.
Maybe soldiers with toys, not guns,
will find a better way.

So they set up big containers
In the schools in Sayreville.
It really was inspiring how quickly they would fill.
Sara brought her favorite doll.
She told her not to cry.
Soon she’d have a new best friend.
She kissed that doll goodbye –

Because we have got to learn
to live in peace some day.
Maybe soldiers with toys, not guns,
will find a better way.

The colonel said, “Let’s do it!
Yes, we will try your plan.
Our soldiers can give out toys
In Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Those soldiers loved to meet the kids.
They hope their visits increase.
When you make a child smile
You build a bridge to peace.

inviata da adriana - 28/11/2009 - 16:08

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