
Bombs Make Terrorists

Dave Gwyther
Lingua: Inglese

Dave Gwyther

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Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther.
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills.

Terrorist is such an ugly word… and such a false one. Terrorist simply means those who cause acts of terror WHO ARE NOT the governing body. Governments cause acts of terror all the time but these are not seen as being as morally wrong as those caused by terrorists. The spin on terrorism is that its this brand new thing that has only sprung up in a post 9/11 world but that couldn't be further from the truth. Terrorism has existed as long as civilisation has existed, because terrorism is conflict with the state. And terrorism will always exist. What we must fight is the causes of terrorism: poverty, oppression. religious extremists (but no where near as much as we're led to believe), to name but a few. Dropping a bombs on peoples houses, who may very well be against the so called terrorists that the bomb is aimed for, will only fuel terrorism, not vanquish it.
I killed a child the other day
I flew over him in my super sonic plane
I dropped a bomb he didn't have a chance to run away
I killed a child the other day.

I destroyed a city just last week
I went right in with my tanks and jeeps
I burnt down houses, shot women in the street
I destroyed humanity the other week.

I shot someone in the head
And then I knifed them until they were dead
I raped the land, turned the forest to sand
And walked away, dragging the children down
Dragging the children down,
Dragging the children down.

I invaded a country 4 years back
I said they had weapons and were going to attack
So I dropped some bombs on people I didn't see
A child emerged from the rubble and shook his fists at me
He said: - In ten years I'm gonna get you back
'cause bombs make terrorists and that's a fact
We don't think about all the children we effect
When we drop bombs on them they're gonna be affected
And when they grow up - they'll when get us back
And who can blame them
And who can blame them
'cause we killed a child the other day
We flew over him in our super sonic plan
We destroyed a city just last week
We went right in with our tanks and jeeps
We invade countries all the time
People are getting killed, yeah don't ya know that ain't right…

…Don't ya know that ain't right
Don't ya know that ain't right…

We shot someone in the head
And then we knifed them until they were dead
We raped the land, turned the forest to sand
And walked away dragging the children down
Dragging the children down,

..dragging the children down.

inviata da giorgio - 27/11/2009 - 20:53

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