
The Bells of War

Dave Gwyther
Lingua: Inglese

Dave Gwyther

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Album: "Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them"
Lyrics by Dave Gwyther.
Music by Dave Gwyther & Sturt Wills.

We didn't go to Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction, that was always obvious. But the excuse convinced the masses for a time. And then when that was failing, we were told we went to war with Iraq to free their people from a brutal dictatorship (forgetting the brutality that exists in Sudan, Zimbabwe, Israel and many other countries in the world). But the cost of 'freeing' the Iraqi people was death and destruction: 'We killed the children of those who weren't free, because we believe in democracy'.
The bells ring, they tell me, the dead have come home
They fought in a war far away
They went there, and died there, all alone
And now they rest in their graves.

We bombed the homes of those who were poor
Because we said they shouldn't be poor any more
We killed the children of those who weren't free
Because we believe in democracy.

The bells ring, they tell me, the dead have come home
They fought in a war far way
They went there, and died there, all alone
And now they rest in their graves.

We slaughtered those who tried to free themselves
Even though we believe in freedom for ourselves
We say one thing and we mean another
But I won't kill another man 'cause he is my brother.

The bells ring, they tell me, the dead have come home
They fought in a war far way
They went there, and died there, all alone
And now they rest in their graves.

inviata da giorgio - 27/11/2009 - 20:36

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