
Big Time Corporate Blues

Mike Stout
Langue: anglais

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Album: The Human Spirit Will Prevail [2003]
Lyrics by C. Michael Stout

Corporate greed that robs the public.
War-mongers gettin' crazy, the economy's goin' to trashs
System's goin' bankrupt while the big boys are stealin' the cash.
Every time I hear the news, I get the big time corporate blues.

They tell us "greed is good, if they don't keep expanding, they'll die
"They got eight million lawyers with the best minds money can buy –to tell you why.
Every time I hear their lies, I get the big time corporate blues.

They play with other people's money, they're like junkies with a monkey on their backs
They keep their profits off shore so they don't have to pay any tax.
Every time I face the facts, I get the big time corporate blues.

Autocratic, plutocratic, thievin' fat cats,
Suit and tie looters, modern-day aristocrats
Ripping off the people, tearing up the land
When it's all for them and the rest of us be damned

I get the blues, I get the corporate blues.
Hogs in the boardroom, feedin' at the trough
For that greedy CEO enough is never enough.
Ain't you tired of them ripping us off
I got the big-time corporate blues.

They stole my pension, took my savings and my little nest egg
They got these giant drug pharmacies, they try to sell ya relief for an arm and a leg.
When there's nothin' left to lose, you get the big time corporate blues.

They'll eat away at your rights like parasites they're like a giant tape worm.
They got their names and their logos and their advertising every where you turn.
When it really gets me burned, I get the big time corporate blues.

Enron, WorldCom, Halliburton, Harken,
Every where you look them corporate hound dogs are barkin'.
Ripping off the people, tearing up the land
When it's all for them and the rest of us be damned .

I get the blues, I get the corporate blues.
Hogs in the boardroom, feedin' at the trough
For that greedy CEO enough is never enough.
Ain't you tired of them ripping us off
I got the big-time corporate blues.

You get the blues, ya get the corporate blues.
They got no heart, no conscience or soul
Grabbin' more money's the only thing they know.
When there's no where to hide, and no where to go –
You get the big–time–corporate–blues.

envoyé par giorgio - 22/11/2009 - 21:39

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