
The American Way

Doc Jazz
Lingua: Inglese

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Album: The Musical Intifadah

Lyrics & Music by Doc Jazz
(Featuring: Doc Jazz on vocals, acoustic drums, bass and keyboards)

"The often propagated “American Way”... check out the other side of the coin ...
If you understand this song as hatred towards Americans you are wrong ... take it as an encouragement to turn the USA in a peaceful nation instead of a nation of warmongers!"
I've had enough of seeing the world
Being ruined by the whims of a few
I've had enough of passively waiting
There's gotta be a thing we can do

We've come a long way learning that people
Have the right to live a life of their own
Why would we stand and watch one nation
Treat the planet like a military zone.

The time has come
To speak up loud and say
That freedom isn't earned the American way

Stand up people for freedom for all
Don't rule the world with the law of the gun.

We're all people Freedom for all
Tell me someday we'll all be one

Who defined civilization
Who split the world into one two and three (what you talkin' 'bout "Third World"?)
Why do we have the United Nations
If we don't treat it with equality.

Superpowers with murderous habits
Send their soldiers into foreign lands
Reinstalling the law of the jungle
Until the power is in their hands..

The time has come
To speak up loud and say
That freedom isn't earned
The American way

Stand up people for freedom for all
Don't rule the world with the law of the gun

We're all people - Freedom for all
Tell me someday we'll all be one.

Palestine under occupation
That's violated international law
This racial discrimination
Will bring the world to the brink of its fall

Let's get it right, we can do better
Dismantle the MIC (*)
A war machine that feeds on people
Can't be a motor for democracy

The time has come to speak up loud and say
That freedom isn't earned the American way

Stand up people
for freedom for all
Don't rule the world with the law of the gun

We're all people
Freedom for all
Tell me someday we'll all be one.

(*) Military-Industrial Complex

inviata da giorgio - 20/11/2009 - 08:31

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