
Third Deployment

T Fredric Jones
Lingua: Inglese

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Album: Tanked Up Again
Lyrics & Music by T Fredric Jones

A sudden realization of the courage it takes to fight in a war, irrespective of the rightness or wrongness of that war.
Have you seen my rifle, Momma?
I can't seem to find my rifle to save my soul
Thought I'd left it by the back porch door
But now it's gone, and I don't know what for...
And I've got to get goin'.

Have you seen my little sister this mornin'
I heard her go out at the crack of dawn's early light;
I think I heard her open up the old barn's door
If she had my gun then, she hid it there alright...
Yea, to keep me from goin'.

You saw yourself how she cried and cried
When we got the news that Jimmy Jones had died last night
He was my best friend since we both were kids
Now he's dead and gone in some Baghdad ditch...
And I've got to get goin'.

We'll hold the line
We're holding the line for freedom
If I don't come back, it's not in vain
That I gave my life for that.

I remember how Jimmy Jones would dream
We'd build a boat and sail across the deep blue sea;
Little sister, Jimmy Jones, and I
We'd board that ship on some moonlit night...
And sail away
I guess heading for freedom.

We'll hold the line
We're holding the line for freedom
If I don't come back, it's not in vain
That I gave my life for that.

Don't be angry with my little sister, Momma,
She's only tryin' to do what she thinks is best for me;
She's far too young to know just what's right from wrong—
That when you're at war, you gotta stay strong...
And believe —
that you're fighting for freedom.

inviata da giorgio - 7/11/2009 - 18:30

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