
Ballad of Martin Luther King

Michael Borkson
Langue: anglais

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Lyrics and Music by Michael Borkson

"Song I wrote about Martin Luther King, the greatest American of our time - he said we must oppose the evils of war, racism, and poverty".
There was a man named Martin Luther King
He walked the roads of the south
He worked for peace and freedom
The words that came from his mouth
Inspired all who heard him
All who cared for liberty
King said we got to protest
War, racism , and poverty.

The Powers that be didn’t understand him
Called him traitor, communist, and bad
But King knew the power of love
Would show them the truth he had
He said the words of Jesus
To love your enemy
and to go out and protest
War, racism, and poverty.

Today we have new wars
New tyrants to put down
Today we need even more
The words King did resound
Peace and freedom for all
A Light for all to see
A new day without
War, racism, and poverty.

…There was a man named Martin Luther King
He walked the roads of the south
He worked for peace and freedom
The words that came from his mouth
Inspired all who heard him
All who cared for liberty
King said we got to protest
War, racism , and poverty.

No War—No Racism—No Poverty
He said:
No War—No Racism—No Poverty
He said:
No War—No Racism—No Poverty

envoyé par giorgio - 7/11/2009 - 10:46

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