
In Search of Enemies

Clan Dyken
Langue: anglais

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"'In Search of Enemies' has an uplifting South African feel that insists that you move while it hips about the business of militarism. Leon Dyken messin' up the place on percussion."
Where do weapon makers go when the nations are at peace?
where do arms merchants go when the nations are at peace?
where do weapon salesmen go when the nations are at peace?
they go in search of enemies
where do all the generalso go when the nations are at peace?
where so cold warriors go when the nations are at peace?where do c.i.a.
directors go when the nations are at peace?
they go in search of enemies
some people they just wanna dance
some people they just wanna eat
some people are out making business
in search of enemies
do i not know you?
are you not my people?
is this not the land of the free and the home of the brave?
so who are these ones who drag our name across the seas
and go in search of enemies?
do you weigh up the pain?
do you weigh up peoples lives?
in the face of what you stand to gain
is there anything you wouldn't sacrifice?
how long til you march down my streets?
in search of enemies
we've got to turn ourselves to the healing of the land
focus our attention on the gifts we have at hand
some day the product of the people will be peace
there'll be no search of enemies
there'll be no search of enemies
there'll be no search of enemies
there'll be no search of enemies.

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - 20/3/2005 - 18:21

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