
Dirty Dollar

Kev Carmody
Langue: anglais

Kev Carmody

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Album "Mirrors"
Watchin' the sunrise from the polluted seas
Fishin' in the rivers fulla blue algae
Breathin' this air here could kill or maim ya
Whole earth becomin' a huge gas chamber

Just wanna know which side you stand
For the dirty dollar or a pristine land

Eatin' whale meat faster, than they give birth
They're connin' us all……. it's scientific research
Them chain saws dozers clearin' the trees
'Cos it's so good for the economy
'Cos it's so good for the economy
'Cos it's so good for the economy

Obesity's, fast food gravey train
Poly styrene or cardboard tastes the same
G.M. food altered chromosones
Antibiotics, steriods and growth hormones

Droughts an' floods an' global warmin'
It's takin' awhile to heed them warnings
Food chains pesticides, insecticides
Eatin' our way to global suicide

Eroded land cleared forests and trees
Infertile soil and salinity
Worshippin' them idols of power and greed
If we aint guilty how do we plead?

Dumpin' first world products in third world lands
Forcing mono-culture into starvin' hands
Excutin', jailin', those who say it's unfree
Rich importin' their wealth an exportin' poverty

Just wanna know which side you stand
For the dirty dollar…..or the pristine land

envoyé par Alessandro - 5/10/2009 - 12:01

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