
Last Letter Home

Dropkick Murphys
Lingua: Inglese

Dropkick Murphys

Ti può interessare anche...

All You Fonies
(Dropkick Murphys)
The Fields of Athenry
(Pete St. John)
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(Iron Butterfly)

Album: The Warrior's Code - 2005

The Warrior's Code
Hello there my dearest love
Today I write to you about our sons
The boys start school today
They're the spitting image of you in every way

Hey son it's Dad
I hope this letter finds you well out of harm's way
We saw the news today it frightened your Mom
Now all she does is pray

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

Hey Melissa it's me don't be afraid
I'm in good hands I'm gonna be home soon
It's time to watch the children grow up
I wanna be more than a voice on the phone

Thanks Ma I got your package today
I love "The Fields of Athenry"
I swear I want 'em to play that song on the pipes
At my funeral when I die

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

I stand alone in the distance
And the foreground slowly moves

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

"We regret to inform you that on January 28th Sgt. Andrew
Farrar died while serving his country in the Al-Anbar province
of Iraq words cannot convey our sorrow"

If I lead will you follow?
Will you follow if I lead?

When there's nothing on the horizon
You've got nothing left to prove

If I lead will you follow?

inviata da Donquijote82 - 1/10/2009 - 18:10

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