
Dover, Delaware

Jez Lowe
Lingua: Inglese

Jez Lowe

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Album "Bede Weeps"
Incisa anche dal gruppo canadese The Duhks nel loro album self-titled del 2005.

A Dover, nel Delaware, all'interno della Dover Air Force Base, c'è l'unico obitorio militare degli Stati Uniti continentali. Lì arrivano i corpi di tutti i soldati americani uccisi in battaglia.
Walk down Marva road a stranger.
Threw my stone far across the bay
Sent my son to a foreign ocean
And dreamed of my home so far away
The darkness split to see a soldier
Struck by the spinning of the beacon's light
Take your tune he said treat it tender
And make good use of it tonight
Sing a love song for the first to fall
And keep singing until they fight no more

Tell my love I'll be waiting there in Dover Delaware.
In Dover Delaware.
Dark and grey cold Atlantic
Dark and grey stand the ship in line
Waiting for another tide turn
Sent to fight for one more time
Sing a love song for the first to fall
And keep singing until they fight no more

Tell my love I'll be waiting there in Dover Delaware.
Dover Delaware.
Watch the shore fade behind me
Watch the smoke from the grey ships stack
Watch the cannon and the bomb fall
And when it's done they'll bring me back
Sing a love song for the first to fall
And keep singing until they fight no more

Tell my love I'll be waiting there in Dover Delaware.
Dover Delaware.
Sing a love song for the first to fall
And keep singing until they fight no more

Tell my love I'll be waiting there in Dover Delaware.
Dover Delaware.
In Dover Delaware.
Dover, Delaware

inviata da Alessandro - 24/9/2009 - 21:50

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