

Les Sullivan
Langue: anglais

Les Sullivan

Dal primo album dell'artista, "Echoes of Mingulay" (non so a che anno risalga)

Echoes of Mingulay

Nello stretto di Skagerrak, Mare del Nord, al largo della penisola danese dello Jutland, si tenne la più grande battaglia navale della prima guerra mondiale. A scontrarsi, il 31 maggio e il 1 giugno 1916, furono la flotta imperiale tedesca, al comando del vice-ammiraglio Scheer, e quella britannica, comandata dall'ammiraglio Sir Jellicoe.
Le navi da guerra impegnate furono 250.
Il risultato fu che i britannici mantennero il controllo sul Mare del Nord ma non si può dire che vinsero la battaglia, visto che persero 6000 degli 8500 uomini che complessivamente perirono nel furioso combattimento nonchè molte più navi (tra queste la Queen Mary, l'Invincible e la Black Prince) che non i tedeschi...
Where are you goin' my Billy-O?
Where are you goin' my Billy-O?
I'm joining a ship in Scapa Flow,
That's where I'm going my Nancy.
I'm joining "Queen Mary" Nancy-O,
Joining "Queen Mary" Nancy-O,
She's bristling with guns and ready to go,
To sail to glory with Jellicoe,
But where is "Queen Mary"? Gone Now!
And where is the glory? Gone Now!
And six thousand sailors? Gone Now!
They have gone to the bottom at Jutland.

Where are you goin' my Rodney-O?
Where are you goin' my Rodney-O?
I'm joining a ship in Scapa Flow,
That's where I'm going my Nancy.
I'm joining "Invincible" Nancy-O,
Joining "Invincible" Nancy-O,
She's bristling with guns and ready to go,
To sail to glory with Jellicoe,
But where is "Invincible"? Gone Now!
And where is the glory? Gone Now!
And six thousand sailors? Gone Now!
They have gone to the bottom at Jutland.

Where are you goin' my Johnny-O?
Where are you goin' my Johnny-O?
I'm joining a ship in Scapa Flow,
That's where I'm going my Nancy.
I'm joining the "Black Prince" Nancy-O,
Joining the "Black Prince" Nancy-O,
She's bristling with guns and ready to go,
To sail to glory with Jellicoe,
But where is the "Black Prince"? Gone Now!
And where is the glory? Gone Now!
And six thousand sailors? Gone Now!
They have gone to the bottom at Jutland.

envoyé par Alessandro - 20/9/2009 - 18:33

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