
The Music Of Healing

Tommy Sands
Language: English

Tommy Sands

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Album "The Heart's a Wonder”
Parole: Tommy Sands e Pete Seeger
Musica: Tommy Sands

Una canzone scritta quando in Irlanda del Nord, a metà degli anni '90, cominciò a profilarsi la speranza nella fine del conflitto e iniziarono i negoziati che poi sfociarono nell'Accordo del Venerdì Santo del 1998.

Vedran Smailović

Nelle note presenti sul disco Tommy Sands ricorda anche la figura del violoncellista bosniaco Vedran Smailović che nel 1992, durante l'assedio di Sarajevo, incurante dei bombardamenti e dei cecchini, per 22 giorni suonò per strada, in pieno giorno, l'"Adagio in sol minore" di Tommaso Albinoni per onorare la memoria di 22 civili uccisi mentre facevano la coda per ricevere la razione di pane... A un giornalista che gli chiedeva se fosse pazzo a suonare sotto i bombardamenti serbi lui rispose: "Perchè non chiedi a quella gente lassù, sulle montagne, se non è pazza a bombardare Sarajevo mentre Smailović suona il suo violoncello?"
Ah, the heart's a wonder
Stronger than the guns of thunder
Even when we're torn asunder
Love will come again

Don't beat the drum, that frightens the children
Don't sing the songs about winning and losing
Sit down beside me, the green fields are bleeding
Sing me the music of healing
Sing me a song of a lover returning
The darker the night, the nearer the morning
Bring me the news of a new day that's dawning
Sing me the music of healing

Ah, the heart's a wonder
Stronger than the guns of thunder
Even when we're torn asunder
Love will come again

Sometimes the truth's like a hare in the cornfield
You know that it's there but you can't put your arms around it
All we can hope for is follow its footprints
Sing me the music of healing
Who would have thought I could feel so contented
To learn I was wrong after all of my rambles
I've learned to be hard and I've learned how to tremble
Sing me the music of healing

Ah, the heart's a wonder
Stronger than the guns of thunder
Even when we're torn asunder
Love will come again

Somehow the cycle of vengeance keeps turning
Till each other's sorrows and songs we start learning
Peace is the prize for those who are daring
Sing me the music of healing
Time is your friend, it cures all your sorrows
But how can I wait till another tomorrow
One step today and a thousand will follow
Sing me the music of healing

Ah, the heart's a wonder
Stronger than the guns of thunder
Even when we're torn asunder
Love will come again

Contributed by Alessandro - 2009/9/18 - 18:01

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