
Cold Wind

Sara Marlowe
Langue: anglais

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written while Sara was living in China, this song speaks to the feelings raised when the US sent warships into the straits of Taiwan that summer, stoking fears of a new confrontation.
Are they out to start another war with a country that has everything
They think they deserve
They make believe is threatening, in their desperate search for justification
And the rest of the world only sees them, believes them to be unfair competition
Believing what the money makers say,
But if they could only see their real position, their minds would change

I don’t want to know what happens in the end
Can’t you feel the cold wind blowing again

So easy to criticize when you don’t look directly into the eyes of another
Only looking through the lens, of our everyday misconceptions
That tell us what to think and how to feel and who to hate but never why
Never why it’s always them and it’s never us who is the problem

I don’t want to know what happens in the end
Can’t you feel the cold wind blowing again

We only have to take a look behind us and we’ll see exactly where we’re going
Only need remember the past to look into the future
And I’m holding my breath, I’m screaming at the top of my lungs
Counting the fingers on one hand
For how many times history can repeat itself until it’s the end

I don’t want to know what happens in the end
Can’t you feel the cold wind blowing again

envoyé par Sara Marlowe - 17/9/2009 - 21:15

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