
The Lord's Prayer

Roy Harper
Language: English

Roy Harper

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Da "Lifemask" del 1973. Dura 22:54 minuti ed è composta da 5 parti:
a) Poem
b) Modal song parts I to IV
c) Front song
d) Middle song
e) End song (Front song reprise)

In copertina il calco del viso dell’autore, la sua “death mask”, immagine significativa perché in quel periodo Roy Harper rischiò la pelle per via di una brutta sindrome che l’aveva colpito.
Anche per questa spoken-song – dal testo assai lungo e complesso come solo Roy Harper riesce ad essere – bisognerebbe chiedere a Renato Stecca il motivo dell’inserimento… Probabilmente c’entra ancora una volta il genocidio dei popoli nativi e la guerra alla Terra…

"There's a lot of people who'll call it pretentious. The line, one that really appeals to me is 'Whose artists are helpless spherical mirrors spinning on the horns of a tidal wave.' That actually involves me. Each line takes you on to the next. 'Whose age is unknown, who takes under his wing, whose freaks are real, whose reality is hunger.' - probably the one reality on this earth is hunger, and the way you eat is the way you speak. 'Whose real strategy is dissent.' One generation's dissenters become the next generations accepted nutters. 'Who shares his lot, whose ace is death.' Your ace is to be played any time; some Buddhist monks sit and burn themselves, use the ace that way. If I was to do that I'd probably hang meself off Peter Robinson's flagpole on Oxford Circus."

(Roy Harper in un’intervista su Melody Maker nel 1973)

'Lifemask' was made at the height of the 'flower power' expression/boom. I never considered myself a part of all that. I'd been an impressionable little 'beatnik' in the early sixties and by the seventies I tended to ignore the more outrageous vagaries of fashion, even though I was a very young person with an eye for fashion. However, I think that I'd become jaded by media fashion manipulation by the seventies.
I rarely wore flares. I always thought that you had to be over six feet to get away with that, and I was a vane boy. Still am. Considerably more central to my existence though, was my poetry, and how I was relating to the world with it. How I could make the world relate to me with it.
I had always regarded Tim Leary as half a charlatan, Allen Ginsberg as a quarter, and Byron as a smidgin or two. My heros were Shelley, Kerouac, Miles Davis and Keats. Latterly I see reflections of Hunter Thomson and Blake in the disturbed mirror.
In the light of these admissions, it may not be too difficult to see where the major work on Lifemask, 'The Lords Prayer' is coming from. All that would be needed perhaps would be to be given the appropriate stimuli at the appropriate time of day.
The song catalogues spontaneous interpretations of how we are inter-acting with the planet. It was never aimed at mass market and is just a poem for friends and kindred spirits. The poem was inspired by a collage of Geronimo in an eighteenth century English landscape drawing given to me by my friend, artist James Edgar, whilst I was in the mind altering substances period of my life. Jimmy Page plays throughout. […]

(Roy Harper)

(Bernart Bartleby)
There once was a man from the old stone age
And he used to follow the weather
But now he's got hung up on filling a page
Upon whether to go or together
And he's been around for so damn long
With his whooping and wailing
Crushing questions between right and wrong
And impaling
The best he can hope and the worst he can fear
On the solstices of an illusion
A massive erection of pushy defence
Up the whole of the prosecution
Great solace the wound, great relish the pain
To be loosing the reins of a poem
To bleed from the tip of my tongue yet again
That part of my heart that is showing
These children conceived in the womb of this crash
To be the sponsors of nothing much more
Than rearguard directions of crossfingered sections
Of purpose pot - looking for nothing
But what is this last desperate vestige of heart over head
But another conjecture
No more the tomb of the martyred dead
Than the ghost of our parting gesture
And a hundred billion crystal balls
Represent a remarkable failure
To swell the song each moment long
At the counterpoint of nature
As four thumbs flick the tarot deck
And two tongues fork eight aces
Maybe sixteen fingers feel
The fool lives in two places
Where rosy lee can read this tea
And leave me living the story
A white dove with a hawks' head
And an open mind before me
To sail for a land where life is a high
Not a word to be heard or be spoken
But the soul - woven web of the endless touch
Of a child who could never be broken
Who plays a new world on the brink of the ebb
As the fish cats prowl in the harbour
And now soars high on the beckoning tides' long arm
To weigh his last anchor
And the sou'westers sing as the lifeboat bells ring
In the heads on the faces of changes
The heavens collage on excalibres edge
The star in his movie converges
With fate, in his task, and doom on his brow
And a ship in his eye in a bottle
Who speeds, to force, to want, to have,
To find, to further fortune,
Who comes from the north, west, south and east
Of the passions of a spirit
Witl all the flight of the wildest beast
To ever spurr a stirrup,
Whose pulse is the master of action
Whose heart is an everlasting secret
Whose arms are desire
Whose lips are welcome
Whose eyes tell stories
Whose head is a journey
Whose hands unfold
Whose feet fly
Whose face is the stained glass window of a
continuous orgasm.
Whose being is mine
Whose wounds are precious
Whose poem is a flower
Whose gentleness is the devil
Whose indentity is naked
Whose magic is a gift
Whose power is the transparent tapestry of history
Whose stamp is a freak
Whose wits are battles
Whose cousin is dog
Whose times are well fought for
Whose stoneage is clever
Whose poets know
Whose music is barbarian
Whose artists are helpless spherical mirrors spinning
on the horns of a tidal wave
Whose information is belief
Whose complexes become religion
Whose foundation is spread
Whose word is god
Whose books are projectiles
Whose message is must
Whose excuse is holy
Who passed it down to me;
Whose enemies are landmarks
Whose fear is himself
Whose hope is lust
Whose wish is fresh
Whose position is wary
Whose mottoes are covers
Whose name is hidden
Whose nose is suspicious
Whose technology is a tangent
Whose strategy is dissent
Whose thoughts are games
Who shares his lot
Whose ace is death
Whose fingers invent
Whose tales weave
Whose knots are tied
Whose mouth is open
Whose ears pierce
Whose direction is out
Who is aware of disease
Who feels the need to cleanse his soul
Whose style is disguise
Whose dream is innate
Whose woman is soothing
Whose little children are the delicate blossom of an orchard of electricity
Whose spell is for conflict
Whose quest is strength
Whose war declared
Whose suicide is noticed
Whose shadow is cast
Whose vibes you feel
Whose pedigrees are haunted
Whose age is unknown
Who takes under his wing
Whose freaks are real
Whose reality is hunger
Whose words are jagged
Whose tears are shed
Whose sick hang
Whose weak are kicked
Whose cities are bad shelters
Whose sanctuary is an idea
Who sat round a fire
Whose teeth chew
Whose faith is change
Whose old age comes quickly
Whose youth burns
Whose systems are white sticks tapping walls
Whose prize posession is the planet;
Whose wildest lust is escalation
Whose cul-de-sacs are feelers
Whose main route is massive
Whose run is a dance
Whose vehicle is fantasy
Whose home is high
Whose role continues
Whose bearing is savage
Whose saints are dead
Whose sons bark
Whose daughters play
Whose strength is against
Who grows in the sun and sleeps in the moon
Who roams deserets, plateaux, mountains, forests and plains with vast armies
Who am I
The spirit of those who were not here
And never knew it
Who left this prayer to elope
A lover's journey through it
So children leave your windows open
Across the sea
Join our hands across the many land
You and me
Never grown old
Seeing without ever being told
Something to say
Shut away
Blackboard so grey
I'm dreaming
Out along the back row
Out the window
Cast away
Be free with me
Great heart mean streak
Spare part speed freak
I set myself a problem when I built myself a wheel
I got myself another when I rode a horse to feel
The plains underneath my reins
As fast as running water
And the big lady I'm playing with
Has played a game of poker
With me and cat and this and that
Until she scored my joker
Now we ride in chariots
By the side of one another
Her soft side
My rough ride,
Nothing to fear
The unknown soldier's grave is already here
Is it too late
To create
A world made with care
Is it there
Or fleeting
Here today and gone
Tomorrow's child
Looking so wild and free
Are we a choice
With no voice
Can it be
Great heart, mean streak
Spare part speed freak

Contributed by Renato Stecca - 2009/8/24 - 22:53

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