
We've Got to Find Another Way

Mark Spoelstra
Lingua: Inglese

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Testo pubblicato su Broadside Magazine n.5 del maggio 1962.

We've Got to Find Another Way

Un appello all’obiezione di coscienza.

Mark Spoelstra
I got a form from my Draft Board
Sayin’ this is what to do
Fill out this form if you want to be
A conscientious objector too.

Because I know there’s got to be Peace
Peace on Earth someday
But Peace don’t come from war, you see
We’ve got to find another way.

Well, I waited for five long months
Thinkin’ it’s the alternative for me
But they gave me military duty
And they gave it in the 1st degree
Now I do love, I love this land
And Freedom is God-sent
But when it comes to killing men
I won’t do it for any government.

Because I know there’s got to be Peace
Peace on Earth someday
But Peace don’t come from war, you see
We’ve got to find another way.

I’m going to tell my draft board
That they don’t have the right
To make a man go to war
Go to kill and fight.
Now the army teaches a man
To go to war and kill
If I have to go to jail
God knows that I will.

Because I know there’s got to be Peace
Peace on Earth someday
But Peace don’t come from war, you see
We’ve got to find another way.

Now they jail a man for murder
Because it is a crime
But if you don’t kill for the Army
You serve the same prison time.
Some people are building them fallout shelters
But I don’t know what for
Where are they going to get something to eat
After a nuclear war?

Because I know there’s got to be Peace
Peace on Earth someday
But Peace don’t come from war, you see
We’ve got to find another way.

Now the moral of this here song
Is plain as day to see
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
To be or not to be.

Because I know there’s got to be Peace
Peace on Earth someday
But Peace don’t come from war, you see
We’ve got to find another way.

inviata da Alessandro - 23/7/2009 - 13:06

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