
Antiwar songs by PaxAmerikana

Transcript from an Interview with PaxAmericana.

21st Century Protest Music that punches the lights out of the Bush White House!
How about my press release instead:

There used to be a time when the airwaves in this country were FREE. Free to put forth ideas, objections, and alternative viewpoints. There was a time when giant media conglomerates did not rule the airwave roosts, and small public voices had a say in the course of history. There was a time when anti war protest music could be heard on the air, and in the streets. However, with the relaxation of FCC rules regarding the acquisition of radio stations by multi media giants in the 90's things have changed radically, and not necessarily for the better. All of these voices of protest that should have been heard on your radio have been silenced.

Since the 60's, when opinion and protest music helped to change the course of another unjustified war -there has been a definite paradigm shift. During that war, lies and fabrications let to the 50,000+ names written on a certain granite wall in Washington. Today a media "Stonewall" exists, separating the people from the truth of an unjust war, hearing and seeing only one particular embedded viewpoint (Some things change, some never do). This time though, the lies and fabrications of an administration could lead to the extinction of life on the planet.

Today, the Iraq war pales in comparison to Vietnam, but don't worry though, because there are more Iraqis planned for the near future. More unending wars lie ahead that could have horrible repercussions for our country and the world, yet nobody is talking much about it-at least here in the States.

-Might is right, and the US military is the 800 pound gorilla, armed to the teeth with weapons of true mass destruction, and extinction. What Americans conveniently forget though, is the fact that another 800 pound gorilla exists, waiting in the wings. This 800 pound gorilla has an alliance with China, who we seem to be dead set on a collision course with. The horrors of a future Nuclear War is what is protesting about. They are protesting about blind stupidity. They are protesting about extinction. They are protesting about Nuclear Winter.

The protest against the present war has been muted, while all protest music has died a convenient corporate death, silenced by the media. The rallying of songs and spirit to fight an injustice and true evils, have been silenced. The advances in technology combined with the use of mind numbing media techniques has done it's job, and done it well.

Embedded with the establishment, flag waving shills and apologists have managed to shout down the protest, and shut it out from mainstream opinion and view. While one can still manage to get a book published against this administration, you will never hear a protest song on a commercial American Radio Station. Protest music against the Iraq war, and the Bushies and their ilk though has found a welcome home on the internet, short-wave radio stations, and other stations overseas.

The band PaxAmeriKana.Com is part of a new and growing phenomenon. The internet has now become the main voice of protest against the actions of an illegal and unjust war, and the wars that are bound to follow. Having been blacklisted from American Commercial Radio Stations in this country, this band has attracted listeners from around the world who oppose the actions of the Bush Administration. Yes, the truth is out there, for anyone with 2 fingers, an internet connection and of course an open mind. This is a band will not be silenced, or ignored. The genie is already out of the digital bottle, wending it's way around the world.

As the internet has proven to be a huge boon to the Howard Dean Presidential Campaign, so too will the truth that is contained on thousands of web sites, prove to be the great equalizer in the election of 2004. A president will be found out. 911 will be laid out. The truth will out, no matter what the apologists say; lie- or stonewall about.

It may be the 21st century and the year 2004, but it is still 1969 on the Internet.
In that context, PaxAmerikana raises a huge voice against this outrage of silence, and the hypocrisy of this age. Between the music, and their web site, a powerful voice of intellectual dissent can be read, and downright good music can be heard. You can find out what this band is all about at their web site - Peace.

P.S. Seems like it's 1984 in 2004. George Orwell would be proud..
Why this name?

The goal of this administration is world domination in the name of God and Oil. Pax Americana was a term coined by John F. Kennedy during the cold war when he stated that we (the United States) were not trying to impose a "world empire in the name of America". Well the bush people are trying to reshape the world to their warped vision. It's kind of like a very slick, 21st century version of the empires that have come before, and failed ultimately. So, our project an band name is PaxAmerikan.Com......since it is a web based project with site etc......

Do you play live?

Played live too many times. Don't care for the smoke, late hours and the hassles of maintaining a band for a living. Have a business outside of the music realm and like it that way. Bush just pissed me off to the max. Dropped 2 other music projects to get this one out. This is a quality production.

How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?

Yes, the net is the great equalizer, and a great soapbox......

Would you sign a record contract with a major label?

Yes indeed. I have advanced production and songwriting skills, plus I can sing. The record labels still control the real world empire of music.

Your influences?

I am heavily influenced by the protest music of the 60's on this project, such as The Quicksilver Messanger Service, Country Joe McDonald, Bob Dylan, The Beatles and the symphonic rock and production values of he Alan Parsons Project. Just wait till I get my hands on an Orchestra.....and a 100 voice choir......

Favorite spot?
The South of France.......

Anything else...?

Yeah, Micky mouse could do a better job than Bush.

Equipment used: Hey, I also use all the toys...

Official Website: