Angry Brigade

Chansons contre la Guerre de Angry Brigade

Transcript from an Interview with The Angry Brigade

Just a bunch of like minded pals who got together to record a song about a topic about which they were very angry. Still are!
Knowing exactly what was happening, knowing about all the lies as the war in Iraq was starting inspired us to get together and do this song. The words say it all.

Why this name?
Named after a bunch of terrorists operating in the UK in the 70s

Do you play live?
Just a studio band.

How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
Great. Can you imagine any record companies putting up the money to record something as political as this by an unknown band? It's only because of the internet you ever heard this song and many like it.

Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
If it made business sense.

Your influences?
Doobie Brothers ....

Favorite spot?
Hull, UK.

Equipment used:
Various. We're not gear freaks.