The Kapital K – K0NTRA

Chansons contre la Guerre de The Kapital K – K0NTRA

Transcript from an Interview with K0NTRA (The Kapital K)

Our artist name: The Kapital K, based in Ventura, CALIFORNIA.. Hip Hop / and Anything I want / anything…Band Members: Hav Goblyn, Kap, Davy Dillz and the Mantis Militia and we are active since 1987..
Yes, I've returned...the best of wishes to all of you talented supporters.. stay true to what you do and good things will come.. be true to yourself.. for longevity you really have to find a 10 don't mean shit..the revolution is all to be fought in your mind... all and all "STAY UP"
" I remember the first time I spit sparkin' the flame// The high feelin' made me willin' to be a part of the game//
When I started to paint, I never stopped or thought it would change // and ‘cuz of the graff till this day It's hard to market my name//"
Descending from many great minds, he feels he has the obligation to use his music for a greater purpose now... For "Homeland Security" reasons NO you won't see him post when his shows will be online, if your on the same mental frequency as he, you will know.. For now he shall remain a secret, a shadow represented my his work...
The meaning of "Kontra" is "against" or "opposition".. As the globe turns and "Entertainment" is pushed more and more to keep Americans distracted, the globe is falling apart around them, without a word in the media.. In this global game of chess there are only 2 players, the oppressors and the oppressed. The will of the rich, and the will of the people.. If you are against injustice and oppression, you are a Kontra by default.. It is this part of you that makes you feel against it... It's a part of me... The evolution of a Lyricist, The passion in activism and the soundtrack to the global revolution...